February 28, 2011

getting ready.

This weekend I finished painting my changing table and cradle.
We are setting up a little corner for the baby in our master bedroom.
It's sweet.

I washed all my baby clothes and blankets and filed all my larger-sized baby clothes into my baby tupperwares for later months.
(I have to keep my house "show ready"- so I'm pretty quick with clutter these days.)

As I was piling all my 0-3 month stuff I was pleasantly pleased-- a sweet little anticipatory pile-- not to big, not too small.
i love it.

i still need to sew some bedding for my cradle, maybe sew a skirt for my changing table, and pick up a few nursing bras and other first month baby stuff... but i'm DEFINITLY almost ready. 
and DEFINITLY nesting.

Have you heard of the MOBY?

you can see one on Amazon here...
I've never used a wrap. 
I tend to just hold my babies-- unless we're out.  And then I use the carseat or a baby bjorn-- I have LOVED my baby bjorn.
But, I'm interested in the baby wraps.
I know I can make one easy enough-- but is it really HOT and uncomfortable over all your clothes?
This is my only concern-- let me know what you think.


  1. My SIL got a moby with her 6th and LOVED it. So I got one for my 3rd (I had a bjorn style carrier) and I still use it. Is it hot? If it's 90 and you are walking around in the sun. If the heat is turned up really far at church. yes, it can be hot, but I would take the Moby over any other carrier (it is the only way my little one would/does sleep at church). They can be pricey, but you might find one used for not a lot. I like them more than other wraps b/c they stretch a little and they are the only wraps my kids find comfortable, including the ones you can make.

  2. I LOVE my wrap! Mine is homemade and it cost $6 to make! The fabric was on sale at Walmart and it has a little iron on applique in the middle to make it easier to find the center. You definitely want a breathable fabric that can stretch but returns back to it's shape after being stretched (you don't want to pick something that will stretch out because it will get looser as you are holding your baby)I can nurse relatively hands free using it as well, which is nice when I am out since I have a 3 yr old and a 2yr old to chase after. I find it more comfortable for me and baby than a bjorn but I reccomed practicing tieing it a few times beforehand. I can put it on quick now, but in the beginning it took me a while!

  3. jeni, I have a moby, I use it for the first couple months sometimes, but it can get warm, a lot of fabric up there. And hubbies won't be caught dead in it. It IS comfy though.

    My FAVORITE after much research is the ERGO carrier. I've had tons of friends get them since seeing me with mine. You can use it from newborn til 40 lbs, so we still take our 2.5 yr old in it hiking. You don't need the extra infant insert, the baby fits in there with legs froggy style. And you can take it on and off really easy, unlike the moby. Just my 2 cents.

  4. I use a Moby for the first few months until baby gets too heavy for it (around 16-18 lbs for me). Then I switch to a soft structured carrier (like the Ergo, but mine is a Beco) and I wear them on my back, which is heavenly.

    When I'm using the Moby, I tend to tie it on in the morning and leave it on all day, popping baby in and out as needed. So I guess it's not too hot for me. :)

    #4 slept in it non-stop. She literally lived in it for the first few months of her life. #5 wanted to be out of it a little more, but still loved it a ton. I hate using the carseat because I worry about the flat-head syndrome so many babies have these days. So the carseat is only for in the car at our house. And I hated my bjorn-style carrier....found it insanely uncomfortable. The Moby I can wear them in for hours and not feel discomfort.

    If you're worried about heat, you could also look into a ring sling. You could easily make one yourself as well. It's less material around you and they're really easy to get on and off, but they're a one-shouldered carrier, so they're not quite as comfortable for long periods of time, but they're great for on-the-go, like going to the grocery store or something.

    You can also learn to how nurse in all these carriers, if you can get the hang of it. Some I can nurse in and some I haven't been able to maneuver just right yet. But hands-free nursing is AWESOME!!!

  5. I also love my moby (handmade though). I bought it from someone that posted in on craigslist for around $15. she just basically had a long piece of semi-stretchy fabric. I downloaded all the instructions on how to tie it at moby.com and I was set. My #2 would sleep through church (and not have people touching him) and it was so nice to have my hands free. I used it until around 6 months. I would recommend them.


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