February 03, 2011

it's COLD!

honestly, it has been chilly outside-- and FREEZING inside.
we ran out of wood for our fireplace the first afternoon.
i've kept bundled up and my kids are wearing layers INSIDE our house.
our thermostat was reading 50* INSIDE.
i knew something was wrong when I went to butter my toast with butter we had sitting in the butter dish all night long, and it was still way too hard to spread.  I think our house was colder than our refrigerator.
i kept telling the professor that something was not right... he insisted that the kind of heat we had didn't work well when it was cold outside.
i thought that we must have a great heater-- you know, the kind of heater that works well if it's not cold outside.

this morning we called a heater-guy.
but, before he got here, our AMAZING neighbors saved the day.
Victor came over to show Todd that the vents needed to be closed a bit (not all the way open) to get friction, or something.
After he was here, he went home and said he didn't think our heater was blowing at all.
A trip outside showed that our heater wasn't even turned on... we just had fans recycling the cold air in our house.
His wife Deborah, and their cute kids, showed up with arm fulls of wood and a space heater...
Victor called on of his friends who "owes him a favor" and we are anxiously awaiting his arrival.

I love my sweet Texas neighbors.
And, the fire is making our family room nice and toasty.

Boy, we feel like regular old pioneers-- roughing it in the middle of a Texas winter.
Good thing I have 100 quilts that my kids all cuddled up in last night.
Hope your family is warm!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, girlfriend, I'd say something is definitely wrong if it's 50* inside your house with the heater on! Todd was right though, there is something about a certain kind of heater, b/c ours was only blowing luke-warm air and I called the heater guy and he charged me $70 to come to my house and tell me "yep, it's the kind of heater you have." We hung blankets over all the windows and reversed the ceiling fans, and that has helped a ton! Thank goodness for those awesome neighbors of yours! ;) Hope you guys are warm-n-toasty now, just in time for the weather to warm up!


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