February 06, 2011


the professor and i left the kids last night while we went to an adult religious conference.
we were up on the stand and our cell phone kept ringing. 
it was the kids wanting to know if they could have something to eat.
and then tattling on each other.

when we got home, the house was SPOTLESS and everyone was fast asleep--
anna and ellie asleep in my bed (that was my telephone peacemaking solution)

i found this note on the counter.

i sure love these kids!

ps.  we had 15 boys over on Friday night for jakob's birthday party.  i wasn't sure what they would do... but  i had heard all boys needed was food.  so, we rented 2 movies, and had soda, pizza, chips, mini candy bars and a veggie tray (at jakob's request).  it was SO fun.  These kids were GREAT.  they played card games, and chess, and wii, and football out front and jumped on the trampoline.  They all got along together and they are just GREAT kids.  i loved it.  i'm sad to leave this place.  really, i love it here.

pps.  last night, around 2am, ellie started crying.  we had her come sleep on blanket in our bedroom and rubbed peppermint on her belly.  she kept yelling, "my tummy stings."  the professor and i wanted to stick her in the car so she wouldn't wake up the whole house with her howls.  :(  She finally starting throwing up and woke up again around 4am to throw up some more.  it's funny how your mind registers that noise... right before someone throws up.  i think i was off my bed in 2 seconds with the bowl in my hand to save my rugs.  the professor laughed and said he hadn't seen me move that fast in 7 months.  :)  poor ellie.  of all my children, she needs the most empathy, and is the HARDEST for me to nurture.  she is so full of drama that i find myself just telling her to be quiet, instead of loving her through her difficulties.  with so many girls you'd think i'd be more used to the drama... i believe i still have much to learn in this area.  gratefully, i learned a little bit last night.  and ellie is sleeping peacefully on the couch, cuddled in my white robe...  quarantined.
this is our first illness ALL Fall and Winter-- i can't complain.


  1. And he didn't lose control? Okay, he's a keeper...

  2. 1. Can't wait until my oldest can babysit the young'uns!

    2. 15 boys! That's amazing! I do that for a living (kind of, I'm a teacher) but I could never imagine 15 boys all GETTING ALONG!

    3. I only move fast when it involves my little guy, too. And then I'm punished with round ligament pain. I'm 33 weeks today!

  3. Hey, I just started a blog TODAY! I'm busy letting people know. We'll see how it goes...:) http://ganderatthegees.com


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