February 01, 2011


i have taken pride in the fact that my kids are pretty dang good at school.
i can't EVER remember them having behavior issues.
(aside from Ellie "forgetting" her panties TWICE in kindergarten)

at our school they will give you a hole punch if you are bad-- the first hole punch in a given week is your warning.

last week-- my girls BOTH got a hole punch!!
(it must have been the moon...)

Ellie- from gym. 
Because she didn't wear sneakers for 3 consecutive gym classes.
Ellie said, "Mom, my boots have rubber on the bottom so I thought they counted as sneakers."
Anna- from math. 
Because she was READING her book while her teacher was explaining.
Anna said, "Mom, I did the first two examples together with her, and she said it was hard... but, it didn't seem hard to me.  So, I just read.  She wouldn't have known at all if someone didn't tell on me."

Does the fact that I kind of LOVE those two hole punches make me a bad mother?
I think they are PERFECTLY illustrative (is this a word?) of my girls at this time in their life.
Ellie-- with her NEVER practical footwear choices. 
Anna-- hiding a book under her math work.
i love it.
but, please don't tell my girls.

hiding my smile, i did tell them both i was VERY disappointed.
and then, we went out to ice cream to discuss how we will have a better week next week.
oh, and Ellie was doomed to HELL.
tie sneakers EVERY DAY for a week.
see, i am a VERY mean mother.


  1. lol. I used to get in trouble for reading novels during science in middle school.

  2. Haha, love that you doomed her to tie sneakers, then took her out for ice cream! You're the greatest.

    Not a hole punch, but J has gotten in trouble for skipping ahead when, like Anna, he thinks the work being explained is too easy. I think that's just wrong. Why should they be punished for being SMART?!


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