February 23, 2011

sibling class.

i took drew, anna and ellie to a class at UMC for Super Siblings.
it was free, and a fun way to spend Saturday morning.
they taught the kids how to hold a baby, change a diaper, and do the hospital swaddle.
they also showed a video that showed what a newborn baby would look like and things that siblings can do to help with a new baby.
NO, i wouldn't say this class was AMAZING-- but, it was something fun to do to help my bigger kids feel prepared.
(Drew was darling, he did ask me if he had to get a baby doll- the teacher gave them all an option- when i said yes, he really got into it...  boys like dolls-- just let them blame it on you that they HAVE to and they'll be fine.)
we toured the labor and delivery and got to see the new babies in the nursery...
it made me want to work in the post partum unit-- helping mom's adjust to their new babies.
AND, part of me just wanted to change into a hospital gown and meet my new baby...
i'm SO excited.

and so are my kids!
who are now, diaper changing, baby swaddling EXPERTS-- just ask them, they took their class VERY seriously.


  1. I've always heard that boys that don't mind baby dolls will make great dads. Honey is a great dad, and swears he never played with baby dolls. I think that has more to to with the fact that he didn't have sisters.

    Love the pic of drew holding the baby by the arm ;)

  2. Tell Drew to go easy on that arm...or at least wait until she's a little older so she can fight back:)!

  3. That is a great idea...and will come in handy, right? : ) From another Jenifer

  4. hope they trained them to do the 2 am feeding too? Great pics, very fun...they are all getting so big! love you

  5. I thought the first 'baby' photo was a CGI from a website someplace...

    I love the look of seriousness on your kids' faces.


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