March 20, 2011

happy birthday toby!

toby was most alive inside his momma's belly, surrounded by his other 4 brothers--
he was a kicking, flipping, strong and happy little guy! 
so, this is how i like to remember him most.  full of life, enjoying every moment of his earthly body.
my favorite nephew was born and passed on this day last year.
today, he's a one year old angel.

we're thinking of you this day
and remembering your strength and nobility.
we feel you and miss you
and know we will see you again someday.

i didn't realize my baby could be born so close to my nephew's birthday until i was talking with my sister in law yesterday.
even though we talk about toby often.
and we talk about my baby's birth even more.
somehow these two events never merged in my mind.
but today, i feel them together.
i feel that somehow, my angel nephew is with my sweet baby.
they are celebrating together
waiting and watching and surrounded by many who love our family.

i wish i could peak into the clouds and join their party.
i suppose we'll just celebrate on our own
and remember
sweet toby.
and wait to meet our own sweet baby.

today is a good day for a birth day.
happy birthday toby!

with love,
aunt jen and uncle todd.

ps- toby, that was a hint!!
today would be a GREAT day to send us your littlest cousin...
just sayin.
pps- is a bad omen that my pregnancy calculator is ADDING days.
today it says 2 days till birth, yesterday it said 1 day.
stop!  i prefer to think of TODAY as the day... every day.


  1. so sweet. i love thinking of thiis

  2. Thanks for that, jen. I love to see his name and know he is remembered.

    Lookin' forward to Eve!
    She is just trying to make her story unique in your family--your first LATE one (though, of course, she will actually be right on time!).



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