March 05, 2011

pregnant with toddlers.

being cheerful is killing me.  :)
my little girls are needing me and they have lots of toddler energy...
i'm trying, but i am struggling to keep up with them.
yesterday, after taking them to the doctors, i took them to the mall.
oh my word.
leah was cur-aa-zeee
in her defense, she wasn't just hitting and kicking and pushing all the kids at the play place-
she was a LION.
and LIONS eat people.
and, she only ran down the mall isle ONCE while i stood talking to a friend,
i may or may not have yelled that if she didn't come back i would spank her when she got home.
(she has NEVER done that before- and I am definitely too fat to run after her- the little stink.)
i may or may not have followed through on that promise.
thank goodness for friday night pizza and a movie
and saturday!!
even though my husband will be up at school all day, there are lots of kids to entertain the little girls.
this week i keep thinking-- how on earth will i entertain toddlers with a newborn.
the baby will be fine- but i'm not sure my 4 year old will survive.
she's a fiesty one.


  1. Pregnant with mom was about 4 weeks late delivering me, but the images your title dredged up weren't pretty.

    I guess you really would run out of lap.

  2. Hahaha - I was thinking the same thing about your title...being pregnant with a toddler in there.... HA! :)


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