March 26, 2011


friday- 39 weeks (two weeks ago)
dilated- "just about a 3"
effaced- 50%
head- engaged
comments- "we'll schedule you for next week, but i don't think you'll make it that long."

saturday- contractions and massage... i think my massage popped the baby out of my pelvis

friday- 40 weeks (one week ago)
dilated- "a solid 3"
effaced- 60%
head- low but not engaged
comments- "a very favorable cervix, i'll sleep with my cell phone by my head..."

friday- 41 weeks (yesterday)
dilated- "a real stretchy 3"
effaced- same
head- right there
comments- "we can schedule you, or you can wait-- it's your choice."
he doesn't want me to go much past april 1st.

my in-laws have come and gone.
my sister leaves tuesday.

i feel good.
if it weren't for family leaving i wouldn't be so upset about not going into labor yet.
i had about 3 hours of regular contractions (last wednesday- after eating castor oil)
not really anything since then.
right now, it feels unreal...  honestly, i can't even imagine going into labor.
i think i've just consigned myself to continued waiting... and it's not too bad.
it has been SO fun visiting with family...
sad that NO ONE is going to get to meet this new baby.

yeah, i don't know about that.
another day, another week...


  1. Crazy. You're doing awesome though. I really hope you get to have this experience of going into labor on your own. I always wonder what it would be like.

    Maybe she's just all laid back and chillin'. Means she'll be a good sleeper and a go with the flow kinda kiddo. right? Sounds good to me.

  2. here's a fun birth story I read this week... a neat gal who had her 5th (in Indonesia or somewhere international).

    She wanted to go into labor by herself and it finally happened... anyhoo...

    good luck!

  3. I know that feeling. I really don't like them to check me because it gives me false hope. Maybe you can try the hypnobabies mp3 called "Baby, come out" on this page
    (I went to the temple when I was a week over and loved that I could take my baby in there. It made my mom so nervous! But I loved it. Find some fun things to do and celebrate each day or week.)
    And about the temperament. I think Corrie is right. They are more mild children when they wait. : ) At least my overdue girl is. And better sleepers? Mine was.
    Good luck!

  4. I've been making the same type of progress, except I've been at 0, 0, 0. Something's going on today, though, which is my actual due date. We'll see if these contractions keep up!

  5. Crazy! Maybe today (27th) is the day ??? You are such a trooper!


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