April 26, 2011

hog hunt...

Professor here.  There's nothing quite like a hog hunt in west Texas.  While the scouts are not allowed to officially hunt, we're lucky to know some great guys named Zack and Wes, part-time hunting guides.  They caught 4 feral hogs to show the boys how to properly clean and dress wild game.  Feral hogs were once domesticated pigs, but years ago escaped or were let loose and have now become wild.  The 8 million + hogs are considered a nuisance in Texas because they destroy crops.  They can grow up to 800 pounds for large males, who also have tusks that are pretty dangerous.  Just google Hogzilla for some great pictures.  The hogs for our boys were only about a year old and weighted about 100 pounds apiece. 

Zack shot three of the hogs and brought one back alive and tied up for the boys to see what a live hog was like.  All the boys were entranced watching Zack carve up the hogs and collect the safe cuts of meat for dinner that night.  It was quite tasty, and not as gamy as I expected.  We had enough left over to bring some home, and now have a few loins with hickory smoke marinating in the crock pot for pulled pork BBQ tonight!

We left the lone live hog in a trap on the property overnight, while the boys bravely carried on about how they were going to skewer the hog the next morning.  Well, morning came and that hog was pretty ferocious in the trap--it got those boys thinking about how they were going to carry out their plans.  While they himmed-and-hawed, the hog started to wriggle through a hole in the trap.  The boys were transfixed as the hog slipped through and starting running for the woods, after which the boys screamed and gave chase.  Naturally that lasted for only a minute or so before all trace of the hog was gone and we went hiking.  A great experience for them, and a great dinner tonight for us!

Jen says, "Only in Texas."  She can't imagine that our boys will have many hog hunt experiences in Oregon...


  1. Kaelub here. Could you give me the contact info for Zack and Wes? My brother and I are planning a hog hunt in Texas. Thanks

  2. I love these experiences we give our kids in life. Memories to last.

  3. maybe htis "tradition" will be gone before tayson has a chance to participate. yuck!

  4. Gross pictures Todd, but I bet it was yummy!! :)


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