April 07, 2011

welcoming eve.

my eyes are teary just looking at the 200 pictures i downloaded from baby eve's birth.
it was beautiful.
she is perfect.
i am overwhelmed with gratitude.

sometime soon I will edit my pictures, and write eve's birth story.
today, i am going to love up my new baby, take a nap, and spend every other moment LOVING my kids and superstar husband.
i have missed them so much, these past 9 months of pregnancy haze...
i don't think i've told you enough what a great man i have beside me- seriously-- i love that guy.
and my kids-- darling.
AND, i have a BABY!!
she's so tiny and precious and amazing.
i can't stop smelling her and looking at her and thanking God for blessing me so much.
yes-- i know why i have done this seven times.
there is no greater joy.


  1. I can't believe all of that dark hair! Have all your kids had that much? She is beautiful we're so happy for you.

  2. and she is sooooo cute! i'm so glad things went well. enjoy that heaven scent! :)

  3. She is beautiful! Congratulations! I'm excited for you family!

  4. What a beautiful and blessed little girl.

  5. So stinkin' cute! Seriously great work xoxo, b.

  6. Jen, she is beautiful. So glad everything went so well. Enjoy these precious moments.

  7. Beautiful! Congratulations on the safe arrival of baby Eve. I love how you have written about waiting for her to come and the joy of her arrival. What a gift to her someday when she can read how much you wanted her to join your family :)

  8. I have anxiously awaited this post, Jen! She is such a beautiful baby girl and I am sure that she is more than worth the wait! Congratulations to your sweet family.

  9. Congratulations - what a little sweetheart! Can't wait for more pictures - but get your rest and enjoy this time! :)

  10. SHE HAS A TON OF HAIR! In the last couple of pictures she reminds me of Drew.

    She's precious!

  11. She is so beautiful! SHe looks like all of your other kids. I love the picture at the end. Just like a little angel!

  12. Gorgeous baby, gorgeous mommy.


    (& I 2nd what Shelly wrote!)

  13. Oh Jen! How wonderful. She is darling. What fun!!

  14. She is beautiful! There is definitely no greater joy. I'm so glad you are soaking it all in! My love to you and your family!

  15. She is beautiful! I can't believe she's finally here! And all that dark hair! :) Love the pic of her looking at Anna. Congratulations!

  16. Congratulations!! What an exciting time for the whole family!

  17. Boy, she just could NOT be more perfect or precious, could she?? Makes me so excited for the tiny one in my tummy to keep growing and then to come out, and I needed that. Thank you. Congratulations on all of it...the beautiful birth, the beautiful girl, the beautiful family. You are blessed!

  18. So absolutely beautiful....rest up and enjoy this wonderful expansion of your family....sending you wonderful wishes of sleep and rest!

  19. So so beautiful... your family is beautiful. You are inspiring, and look amazing after a birth with no epidural! WOW! Congratulations on another perfect little girl! I love the name Eve... it's my mom's middle name. We are so happy for you!

  20. It's so fun to see pictures of that sweet little baby girl. Her cheeks look so kissable. I bet you're all just lovin' her like crazy. I can just smell that newborn baby smell...so sweet. Have a delightfully wonderful time kissing and snuggling and loving and holding and squishing little baby Eve.

  21. She is beautiful I love all the pics.

  22. She's absolutely beautiful! I'm so happy for you all.


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