May 27, 2011

simply summer 2011.

today is the last day of school.
and, this year i had a baby and i'm moving and i haven't done ANY of the fun things that i'm used to doing.
no end of the year gifts for the teachers.
no summer baskets for my kids.
my kids are not in ANY spring sports- the only thing we're still doing is piano.
and, i haven't helped with ANY of my kids' end of the year parties.

i miss being active, creative and involved.
but, i know this is a transition time for our family.
I have no problem scaling back my life when I begin to feel overwhelmed.
In fact, scaling back has been exactly what we've needed.

Even though this new baby takes a lot of my time, my home is still clean enough for house showings every other day.
My kids are happy- because I'm not rushing them to and from activities.
And, we've enjoyed fun play dates with friends that we will be missing soon.

My theme for this summer is-- SIMPLY SUMMER 2011.
I really want to soak in the feeling of summer.
I want my kids to enjoy carefree afternoons with creative play, enjoying the outdoors and spending time with friends and family.
I want to take time to say goodbye to Lubbock, TX.  Before we move we hope to take pictures at our favorite places. 
And, I hope to get to know Corvallis, OR.  I am imagining lazy afternoons at the beach, hikes to beautiful Oregon waterfalls and trips to Portland's zoo or children't museums-- I'm imagining they have them there.

I hope this summer I can really cherish each day, cherish each child, cherish the places that we live and the people that surround us.  I want to live in the moments.
And to CHOOSE to be HAPPY.
Even when life is crazy and in boxes.
No matter what the outside looks like, I want to be calm and peaceful on the inside.
To me, Simply Summer means calm and peaceful and full of joy.

Wish me luck!!

Want to read about summer's past??
Here is a fun post on summer chores--  summer ideas- chore charts and NON-consistency
Here is our summer 2010 theme-- for the love of books
Here is our summer 2009 theme-- be a hero
Here is our summer 2008 theme-- doing great things-- inventors and explorers


  1. On of my FAVORITE places is Multnomah Falls, right before you get to Portland. Seriously beautiful. You will love Oregon, it is so green and nothing beats the Oregon coast!

  2. There is a great science museum in Portland called the OMSI. We went with my brother and sister in law who live in Vancouver, Washington. They have a season pass and go all the time. Jakob and Drew will especially love it, but all my kids had a great time.

  3. You are great, and I have loved all your summer adventure themes, but this summer will be full of a ton of adventures for your family whether you plan anything or not!! :) When do you move? We are actually going to be in Oregon in August. Maybe we can meet up! Oregon is beautiful... you will love it so much!

  4. We are moving the first week of July!! We LOVE visitors!!


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