June 09, 2011

the doctor.

guess what happened yesterday?
the professor became Dr. Moss...  a certified PhD.
can you believe it?
he defended his dissertation and they didn't make him do any revisions!

we had a surprise "guy's" party for him...
so he could play all the games that he hasn't played for the past 5 years.

in a way, i feel like he just gave birth to an elephant.
not very fun, but definitely an accomplishment.
leah keeps asking, "Is dad really a doctor?"
i say, "yup."
she asks, "when is he going to get his costume?"
ConGRADulations Dr. Moss!!

We sure love you!!


  1. this is the cutest post ever! you should frame all these pictures right next to his diploma!

  2. It's an exciting day! Those are great pictures and what a great Mom and wife you are to do those things for him. I think when Rob finished I just said, "It's about time."

  3. Congratulations Todd AND family! Never knew I could be so happy and proud of someone I have never met! Each one of you are an example of what NICE people and special families are really all about. You have inspired me and warmed my heart on more than one occasion. Thank you for that.

    Continued blessings to you as you prepare for your move to Oregon... We are looking forward to having you in "our neck of the woods"!

    WA St.

  4. thanks for your sweet comments!
    i do think i should get an honorary degree for having THREE kids while todd was in school... don't you think that's a record somewhere?
    Marie-- you are darling. Please stop by sometime and stay at our home-tel on your way thru oregon to disney land. :)


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