June 27, 2011


i HATE saying goodbye.
and so, i don't.
but, we have been having lots of friends over...
and trying to squeeze in every last minute of Lubbock that we can.
Friday we spent the morning having piano lessons, the afternoon at the pool and the evening with good friends.

Saturday we sent jakob off to scout camp...
had a house showing from 4:30-5:50pm and had two families over for dinner at 6pm!
AND-- I LOST MY CAMERA, so i have no pictures.

I found my camera-- stuck in the CRAFT cabinet (must of been the last minute straightening for a showing).
We had some friends from Todd's PhD program over last night...

and have some more friends coming tonight.
Yes, I'm still packing.
And yes, Todd is still up at school grading papers and fixing format stuff on his dissertation.
My friends are having a late-night appetizers at Applebee's to say goodbye-- on Tuesday at 9pm.
Let's see if I can make it through the night WITHOUT saying goodbye.
My father-in-law arrives late Tuesday night to help us pack-- what a saint!
Today, I'm doing laundry and packing some more.
We are driving away next week... 
How I will miss this place.

sigh... can i say one more thing?
(i'm a bit teary)
i really, really LOVE people.
this world is so full of so many GOOD people.
i cry thinking of the people who have touched my life over the past five years.
and, i feel such JOY when I think about my friends and how far they have come since I've known them.
The mother side of me wants to stay here in Lubbock forever, so I can be here for them.
Not that I actually DO anything, but just having people over, feeding them, letting them know that I love them and that I'm here.
I'm going to miss that.
People-- that's what I'm going to miss most about Texas.
Hopefully, we can be friends long-distance.
Because I hate saying goodbye...


  1. I hate saying goodbye, too. I've had to do it so much in my life and I HATE it. :( I'm so sad that you guys are leaving. After we left your house Saturday night, my Jacob asked, "Mom, are we really never going to see the Mosses again?" Huge SAD sigh! I wish Oregon weren't so far away!!

  2. We have moved a fair amount in our marriage and I have the same feelings leaving each place; leaving people can be very hard. But you will meet wonderful people in your new area as well. It doesn't help that you are also contending with post pregnancy emotions.


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