June 13, 2011

monday musings.

1. I'm having a hard time taking pictures these days and i figured out why...  I'm HOLDING A BABY and my poor camera gets left in the car or house-- hmm.

2.  We are having a FUN, friend filled summer.
Saturday- "Dear Kitty" Anne Frank play and museum with Coxes
Sunday- dinner with Cluff's
Monday- laundry and neighborhood friends
Tuesday- RS Birthday Brunch at Whitby's
Wednesday- Temple and Pool and shooting water balloons at cows with YM, game night with the guys
Thursday- balloons and candy at Tech, lunch with Whitby's, Mom/Daughter date to buy Calligraphy stuff.
Dinner and pool games with Stevens.
Friday- piano with Sis. Sircable, lunch at McD's, pool with dad, pizza party at Bill and Claudia's, Mom/Son date- Japanese drinks, spa machine and marble chess set.
Saturday- Sircables Eagle project for boys, packing bedrooms for girls, game night, shish kabobs and homemade ice cream with Coxes.
Too bad I don't have pictures...

3.  I'm making a quilt!!  Oh, it's been a long time and it feels so good.

4.  My baby is becoming EASY.  Wow.  I never thought I'd say that.

5.  I've remembered something I knew with Drew (my hardest toddler).  I really, really HATE when kids get labeled "HARD".  So, I'm fighting that label with my current hardest toddler, Leah.  She's fun and happy and full of life and not so quick to do what someone else wants her to.  But, I have a feeling she'll grow into her spirit and my job is to protect her from the labels in the mean time. 

6.  Every day I try to look at my children individually and ask myself "What would I do differently if you were my ONLY child?"  I know that my kids will never get what only children get... but I do try to give them a few moments a day of "only child" love.

7.  I told my kids that they could play WII after they memorized the states and capitals of every state to N.  I say the states in my dreams... Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut!
(It is SO FUNNY listening to kids pronounce the state capitals... Baton Rouge, Des Moines, Mont-o-gomery...)  Drew tried to convince me that knowing the state capitals was POINTLESS, a waste of his time.  I won with the argument with-- the state capitals are more useful than the magic song on Zelda.  2 points for mother.   

8.  I feel it.  I really feel that feeling, that I'm FINISHING a long, hard journey and that I'm on the precipice of a lovely period of life.  I do know that life ALWAYS has it's challenges, and I tend to be pessimistic (or realistic).  But this weekend, life feels carefree and beautiful.  I feel the possibilities.  I feel my husband lighter and happier and HOME ON SATURDAY!!  Yes, I do believe we are just about FINISHED with this stretch of our journey.  And, the path ahead is looking lovely...
Field Of Flowers
9.  I told you that my baby is becoming EASY.  Well, I keep thinking about this and my testimony of God is strengthened.  When I had two months of really hard with this baby, I kept wondering why God would send me a difficult baby NOW?  Why baby number 7, when my life was already in such a state of transition?  But, looking back, I'm GRATEFUL for my growing experience.  I learned a lot the past few months, it was kind of a condensed reminder of what the past 5 years have been.  And, God knew I could handle it even when I had my doubts.  I have so much more EMPATHY for mothers who struggle... with newborns, with nursing, with feelings of inadequacy.  And, I appreciate EVERY MOMENT that this baby sits in her car seat or swing without crying.  I appreciate every time she nurses.  I appreciate every smile.  For sure life is sweeter because I have tasted some small part of bitterness.  This school of life never ceases to amaze me.

10.  I was talking to one of my dear friends on the phone and she said, "I can honestly say that every moment of my day I am doing what I feel is best with my family.  I'm not perfect, but I am living the life I feel is best."
This sentence has echoed in my mind.  I need to be more deliberate with how I spend each moment of my life.  Life is short and I want to be able to say "I used my time wisely."
Hope you have a great day!!

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