July 23, 2011

newport beach.



a perfect day.
this beach is only 45 minutes from our doorstep.
(closer than a mall... i think.)
i love the Yaquina light house... the cobblestone beach... the beauty that surrounds us.
we ended the day with Mo's Best Ever Clam Chowder and sun-kissed cheeks.
life is beautiful!


  1. Ahhh...the life. And THAT is why I tell my mom I need to live by a beach. Peace and beauty. I can almost smell the ocean. Those NW beaches are so amazingly gorgeous. Enjoy your paradise. Wait, scratch that...I can tell that you are:).

  2. What a beautiful place! I love the pic of Lily where she has sand on her little mouth. I am glad y'all are enjoying yourselves so much. Was it warm there? Whenever we go to the beach when we're up in WA visiting my parents it's always cold even in the summertime. We went to the beach in Galveston yesterday and that was a whole other story. SO HOT.

  3. Look how beautiful it is there. This is nothing compared to the beauty of lubbock however. LOL

  4. Look how beautiful it is. However, That is nothing compared to the beauty of Lubbock.


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