August 05, 2011


we're back from our "vacation".
i LOVE being with family.
my kids had a hard time leaving...  Oregon is not quite "home" to them yet.
(Lots of driving for my family lately!)

we've been so busy lately that our move hasn't really settled... but, we're here now.
to stay.
i was worried as we drove back that it wouldn't feel like we were home.
but, oregon is easy to love.
and, it DOES feel like home.
(i also had your kind comments and a few sweet emails from texas friends to remind me that in this day and age it really is easy to stay close even when you live far away.)
we stopped at a waterfall on the way home this afternoon-- so fun!!
oh... are you ready for "real life" to start??!!

i've got A LOT on my mind... can't wait to chat!!
i've missed you.


  1. I am excited to hear more about how things are going there. We miss having you here on the front row at church. What a beautiful picture of you guys. Lily is really growing up, isn't she? She doesn't look like a "baby" anymore now that she's a big sister. How fun, too, that you can just stop by a waterfall on your way home! What a beautiful place. Please tell everyone hi for us. Now you'll really have a chance to get settled and once the kids get into school and a regular routine it will start to feel like home.

  2. It's always nice to walk in the door of your house, isn't it? You kind of miss the trip, but it's nice to be home...


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