August 10, 2011

mother forgets.

today i read Father Forgets, by W. Livingston Larned. 
i found this story in a book called, That Ye Might Have Joy, by Bryant S. Hinckley.

i saw myself in these father's words...
"The habit of finding fault, of reprimanding-- this was my reward to you for being a boy.  It was not that I did not love you; it was that I expected too much of youth.  I was measuring you by the yardstick of my own years. ... I will keep saying as if it were a ritual: 'He is nothing but a boy- a little boy!'"

today is a time of much change in my life...
i am continually teaching, encouraging, asking more of my kids.
that is good.
but, i need to remember to ENJOY these little ones.
to love them in their imperfection.
to laugh and smile more.
to hold them more.
to tickle their tummies.
to play. 
to be still.

my children know when they need to do better...
but, do they know that they are so GOOD, just as they are?
teach them, yes.
love them raw, OFTEN.

some days the Spirit tells me to TEACH more, today the Spirit told me to LOVE more.
oh, my sweet children.  how i wish i was better for you!
tomorrow i will remember...
you are nothing but children- little children.

i heard another story from Bryant Hinckley... told by his son, President Gordon B. Hinckley.
it's darling.

hope you have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your note today! It is always wonderful to get encouragement from other moms "). I've been meaning to comment on how lovely your Oregon pictures are...I'm jealous of how close to Newport and the coast you are. So green and pretty. You are a wonderful mom...I always look forward to learning from and reading your posts.


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