September 22, 2011

eve- 4 months.

i hate that i didn't write this post a month ago.
little eve was the cutest 4 month old.
she had just started making noises when you patted her mouth.
and, she had just started laughing, a lot!

eve is the sweetest little, feisty baby.
she always stands straight up on her legs.
she rolls around and when she wakes up in her crib she scoots to the bottom, under the blankets.
i love seeing her cute head sticking up under her blankets.
she doesn't sleep well at night... she loves to nurse, all night long.
she is surrounded by loving.
with all the kids home for the summer, eve is rarely without some entertainment.
she travelled well, to and from vacation, as long as i sat next to her and smiled at her the whole time.

and, she cries... every time she knows she is going to nurse.
even if she's happy.  when i lay her on my lap and pull my shirt up, she starts to cry in anticipation.
it's funny.
she also cries hard, when i am switching sides...
patience is not her strong point.
i laugh, every time!
oh, she is very loved.  and very easy to love.

1 comment:

  1. adorable! loving that mop of black hair. :) could she look any more like Todd?? miss you guys!


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