September 07, 2011

first day.

my kids were at school all day, and i still didn't get the laundry finished.
actually, i didn't even start it until after they were in bed.
we had a good first day here.
jakob and leah start a day later than the other kids... so we'll see their first day tomorrow!

ellie- 3rd grade with Mr. Holroyd
anna, 4th grade with Mrs. Rutledge
drew, 6th grade with Mrs. Thompson- homeroom
cute kids.
sweet teachers.
yes, i even took a picture of drew's teacher.
when we pulled up to the middle school he asked, "are you going to walk me in?"
i said, "if you want me to."
he said, "sure."
he gave me directions to every class he had that day from his scrupulous study of the map.
i told him i was going to bring my camera to take a picture of him with his teacher.
he siad, "really?  i guess that's fine."
{i love that drew saved his black vans for school... they are $6 Target clearance shoes, but he would only wear them in the house so they would stay nice for school. the night before school i saw him cleaning the bottoms with a baby wipe. sweet boy.}
i could tell drew was nervous, because he was acting confidant.
i cried walking out of the building.
(i have a tendency to get teary in kindergarten and middle school...  funny huh?!)
i LOVE these kids.
a lot.

jakob and i went to breakfast with two of his friends and their mothers.
i love how he always wants to share his food with me, "you can try this mom."
and how he asks, "can i try your hash browns?"
and how he offered me some money to pay for his milkshake.
(he ordered a vanilla milkshake and pancakes.)
he's a good kid.
this year i have 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, preschool, 3 year old and active baby...
speaking of firsts... 
 check out that-- FIRST ponytail.
she's a cute little bugger.
today, life is good.
and tomorrow, i'm going to finish my laundry.
it's going to be a fun year!


  1. Cute kids! i love the pony tail too. She has gotten so big.

  2. Aw, they all look so cute and happy. Sure wish you guys were here starting school with us! Eve is getting so big. :) Miss you!


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