September 13, 2011


oh yes i did... 
my own pie crust-- from scratch.
and meringue... real-live meringue... like you get when you go to a restaurant.
(is that embarrassing to admit i have NEVER made pie crust from scratch in all my 34 years...)
i think i may have tried before, but i've never felt successful.
this time i conquered.
it's easy sailing from here.
anyone want a pie?

guess what else i did?
wait for it...

beans.  real-live beans.  from scratch.
the hard ones.
i always buy them, but i've NEVER cooked them.
i had to move my crock pot pot to the oven because my beans weren't cooking fast enough,
but they did cook.
and they were good.
and my kids loved dinner.

so, bring it on betty crocker... 
pie crust, raw beans... perhaps souffle' is in my future?
{honestly, it may be a bad sign that i don't even know what a souffle' is?} 


  1. LOVE it!! I am all for easy, and generally go for the frozen pie crusts and canned beans. (culinary school did me a WORLD of good)

    I made refried beans in the crock pot the other day, and will probably not go back to canned. They were delish, and I didn't add any fat which made me feel like I was doing something healthy for my family.

  2. Next time you make lemon meringue pie eat it warm straight out of the oven, best ever! In fact I might need to make one soon......

  3. Congrats on conquering two new feats! Well done! Your pies look fantastic...

  4. Haha, well you will be glad to know I've never made a pie crust from scratch in all my....way more than 34 years! And probably never will. :) BUT...I can't believe you lived in Texas all those years and never made beans "from scratch"! Did you soak them overnight? Crockpot on HIGH for 8 hrs, and adding 1/8-1/4 tsp baking soda will help them soften. ;)

  5. Post recipes! I am cooking some beans in the crock pot right now and I can already tell that dinner is not going to go well...


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