September 28, 2011

thursday night lights..

we went to the farm for dinner (Old McDonald's) and then headed out of town to a varisty soccer game.
it was SO fun.
the ride was beautiful.
we always sing as we drive.
i learned that from someone.
we sing, so we don't fight in the car.
and, it's beautiful.
i love hearing my kids sing together.

here are all my kids dispersed in the crowd.
(i always start out with them sitting by me, but i cave in and let them disperse after awhile.)
they are loved.
it was a beautiful night.
these boys were AWESOME soccer players.
for sure, it was the most fun i have ever had at a soccer game.

sometimes, you just have to load everybody up and do random things...

i love her bow.
even on a school night.
even if the game is an hour away.
just because.

  you'll NEVER forget it.

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