October 09, 2011


this guy had a birthday.
have i told you lately how much i love him?
{we like to say, in our house, up to poodle and back.}
oh, ok... i'll tell you.
38.  He's tall, and bigger than me, even when I'm pregnant and my heaviest.  love that.
37.  He does dishes and he cooks better than i do.  He reloads my dishwasher.
36.  He doesn't throw his clothes on the ground, ever.
35.  He loves his mother and calls her when he gets stressed.  He remembers a very ideal childhood.  Once, I said to his mother, "He thinks you were perfect."  She said, "Soon honey, he will think you were perfect too."  And, she was right.
34.  He doesn't get embarrassed, and he's silly.
33.  Once, when i was out of town, he went to the emergency room for an "unexplained stomach ache."
32.  He taught me how to make gravy and white sauce.
31.  He drives a clunker that he thinks is an amazing car, because of the letters b.m.w..  [inserted by professor:  It really is an amazing car--525i sedan, forest green, sunroof, 5-speed manual, audiophile sound.  It's just had the most basic of maintenance for the past 5 years of graduate school.  I now look forward to renewing it to its former glory.]
30.  He likes guy movies and chick flicks.  In fact, I had the FLU and he begged me to come to the opening night of New Moon.  I left to throw up in the bathroom and he didn't even know i was gone.
29.  He is very smart.  He knows all the answers to trivial pursuit and remembers stuff we learned in school, like the layers of the earth and historical dates and geography...
28.  He can NEVER find things when i tell him where they are.  And then, he always thinks it's because I gave him bad directions.  (Yesterday, I told him to look in the bathroom, on the toilet for the baby tylenol.  It was actually in the medicine cabinet above the toilet, but he looked on the toilet and pronounced the fact that we needed to buy more.)  [inserted by professor:  This is a new house for us; I thought it was a mirror...]
27.  He really thinks he's a cowboy.  He wears a gifted rodeo belt buckle, and cowboy boots, and says "Howdy."
26.  He calls himself "the professor" on my blog and refers to himself as "Professor Moss" to his students.
25.  He is a hard worker.
24.  He always knows where he puts things and never looses his keys.
23.  He always thinks we have enough money for the things I want.
22.  He plays tickle monster with the kids.
21.  When I watch him teach, I fall in love with him all over again.
20.  He listens to me.
19.  He reads his scriptures every day.  He also kneels down and prays by our bed every. single. night.
18.  He loves to read and is always learning new things.
17.  He sleeps with his eyes half open.
16.  He cuddles and keeps me warm at night.  He never complains when I put my cold feet on him.
15.  We almost never watch sports, but I hear him talking with other guys and he knows scores and plays and stuff.
14.  I still remember when we were first married and he was working out a lot.  While he was vacuuming he was flexing in the mirror.  I love that kid.
13.  He loves my extended family, and my italian great grandparents.  Because of him, we named eve after my italian great grandmother (eve antonina) and he really wants to name a son Rocco after my great-grandfather.
12.  He is a good boy scout.  He does scouting with my boys.  He packs for camp outs and cleans up after himself without my help.  He is always telling them to go get their scout book.  He thinks you get a prize for the smallest duffel bag brought to scout camp. 
11.  He is very kind and compassionate.  He gets splinters out softer than I do.  He can comfort an emotional child (and wife) with his kind words.  He gets teary-eyed telling me about someone he cares about.
10.  He's competitive and he loves when I beat him.
9.  He waves to me when I cheer him on at basketball.
8.  He's romantic... he always lights candles... he thinks I'm beautiful.
7.  He makes friends with everyone.  He loves international food, and international people.  He is confident.  I asked him once why he always thought people like him.  He said, "Why would anyone not like me?"
6.  He takes a shower every day.  He eats three square meals every day.  Once, when I suggested we just have cereal for dinner, he asked, "Do you think we'll be malnourished?"
5.  He tells me every day that he is so grateful he married me.  He sees the best in me, and that helps me to see the best in myself. 
4.  He is very good.  He always wants to be better.  He is quick to apologize.
3.  He LOVES our kids.  He loves babies as much as I do... and that's a lot.  He is always telling me stories about the little things our kids do.  He wants MORE than 7 kids.
2.  He's really funny.  We banter back and forth a lot.  He likes when I'm sarcastic and witty.  Last night, I told our friends that I'd probably have 4 more kids before I was 38, because I'm todd's brood mare.  He smiled and said, "Yup, and that makes me her STALLION."
1.  He is full of FAITH, and genuinely optimistic!  Too the core, this guy knows everything will work out, we are loved, life is good.  If I waver, he is solid.
I still get tingles when he hugs me... 
I know that God loves me, because He gave me Todd.
This guy is for real.
and, he's great.
not perfect, but great.
he's my stallion and i am so lucky.
love you, toddie poddie! happy 38th. 
ps.  we may have to change our insurance forms because i told the doctors you were born in 74. 
oops.  73,74... blah.


  1. awwww...you guys are too cute.

    Happy birthday, Todd!

  2. That is such a sweet birthday post. He sounds amazing, you really deserve that.

  3. We like Todd too! Hope you had a great birthday!


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