October 27, 2011

for my anna.

shawni linked to this song... i cried and had to put it here for you, and my anna.
everybody has a mountain to climb, there is beauty in the view...
someday, with God's help, it may become a beautiful heartbreak.

thanks for the reminder.

ps.  i just cried reading the comments on this song... so many people, each with their own story.
we all have one.
one girl, just lost her husband... she said, "I can't figure out how to make my heartbreak beautiful."
i cry for her... and for all who mourn.
with God, and in time, all things will be for our good.
i remember pondering this when i was in the depths of despair after anna's accident.
i often thought it would be 100 times easier to suffer than to watch someone you love suffer.
i remember reading a scripture about faith and these words stuck in my brain...  "It will begin to be delicious to you."
you do not ever seek for pain or trials... but as you endure they do become delicious to you... delicious in a healing, becoming, refiners way.

i often sang the song, How Firm a Foundation... this verse...
when through firey trials thy pathway shall lie.
MY GRACE all sufficient shall be thy supply.
The flame shall not hurt thee, I only design,
thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.

There are many Shiny people in the world.
Thank you for shining in my life.
{is it bad for me to want to shout...  just for today Lord, my family is shiny enough!!}
beautiful heartbreak.


  1. Jen - thanks for sharing this beautiful video!!

  2. what a beautiful song and video!


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