November 21, 2011

thankful for family.

today, i'm thankful for my family.
this weekend we sang at a memory loss assisted card facility, where my friend's mother is a resident.
it touched my heart.
i also talked with a few of my friends who have had their parents pass away unexpectedly.

i realized just how grateful i am for my family.
i'm thankful to have a mother and father who are both alive.
i'm thankful for my grandfather.
i'm thankful to have a mother and father in law, and a great-grandmother in law.
i'm thankful for my sisters and brothers, for my sisters and brothers in law.
i'm thankful for my cute nephews and nieces... and for my sweet niece who we're still expecting.
i'm thankful for sweet aunts and funny uncles that are all across the world.
i'm thankful for all my cousins-- who i grew up with and who i married into.
i love you all.
i'm thankful for your touch in my life.
i'm going to do better at appreciating my family more.
families are eternal... but life is short.
i hope that today, my family knows how much i love them.
i really do love you.

i am so blessed.


  1. Wow- from that second picture (Todd's parents?) I can see who Eve resembles SO much!

  2. Can't beat Beck's face that picture!! Oh, I'm am totally laughing . . . HARD.

  3. Jen, we are thankful for you. You and your family are a special part of our world...sending love across the miles...someday, I hope our kids will have a chance to play together. We have the framed Burns Grace you made for us on our kitchen wall, and I think of you all more than you know (it's above the snack container, so we are in that vicinity a lot). xxx


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