December 20, 2011

Life's a HAPPY SONG!!

there are a few things that I find out about and KNOW that i NEED THEM.
this is one.
my NEW FAVORITE song in the whole world!!
i found it here-- thanks CTR MAMA
I need this song to play through my house every moment of every day!!
it's our THEME SONG!

I've got everything that I need RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!
Life's a happy song when there's someone right beside to sing along!
{i had to play it again and dance with my sweet husband while we sang along together...  there is something magical about singing the line "i've got everything that i need right in front of" while dancing with your husband and holding your sweet baby"  life just melts into goodness.}

Oh, how i love this song.
i think i will love the whole soundtrack... and movie!
I haven't even heard of this movie...
Oh, Happy Day!

the other thing i think i NEED is an ipod-touch.
to organize my life.
i have a weird idea that if i had this one item i would never again miss a dentist appointment or loose my shopping list.
perhaps i'm decieved... but the idea is stuck in my brain.
Just two things in the world and I will  be happy forever!


  1. it is a great song! the movie was enjoyable for the adults and the children liked it also. very nostalgic since i grew up watching the muppets!

  2. I got an iphone (same as an itouch accept you can't actually call on an itouch)in April and I don't think my family would get ANYTHING done if I ever lost it. I have alarms for pills and night sugar checks, insulin pump settings, calendar, to do lists, carb counts to our favorite resturants, dr appointments, phone numbers, email addresses, my favorite christmas music...that's just the stuff off the top of my head. I LOVE IT!


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