January 09, 2012

15 minute monday.

ready, go.

1. BEST BOOK EVER-- i LOVE the Cook's Illustrated cookbook.  It is FABULOUS.  Santa left it for Jakob, because he knew mom really wanted it.  i find myself just reading the pages.  it is a scientific cookbook (perfect for boys).  it not only gives you the recipe, it tells you WHY it has you do certain things.  It is very specific in the HOWs and WHYs.  i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.  really.  i've learned so much.  we are eating really great food (jakob just made a key lime pie last night.  mmm.)  i made awesome pizza on Friday.  this is the FIRST cookbook where i actually FOLLOW the recipe.  i think this cookbook is smarter than me...  check it out.

2.  PARENTING TIP- my mother in law reminded me about "code words".  i think think this will be PERFECT for one of my kids.  we just have a little talk someday about a goal we're working on and in the heat of the moment i just flash out the code word with a smile and i'm able to remind them everything they need to know without the whole family's input.  Great Idea!!

3.  CHRISTMAS- is just getting put away at my house... this has lasted TOO long.  next year i'm going to finish shopping by halloween.  decorate RIGHT after thanksgiving and clean up before New Years.  remind me ok?
chiweenie-- these are NOT cute dogs.  this is a picture from the internet.
we may or may not be getting a dog like this.
i may or may not be half crazy and completely tenderhearted to the plight of 7 wanting children
and one sad doggy that needs a home...  seriously??!!

4. RAT DOG-  we accidentally took a trip to the pound on Saturday.  i may or may not be purchasing dog food today.  why is it easier for me to get pregnant again than commit to a four-legged friend?

5. SECOND BEST BOOK EVER- Through His Eyes, by Virginia Pearce.  i read this gem of a book in one evening.  it was beautiful and gentle and just what i needed to hear.  you know those times in your life when you over-react to a situation and you're not sure where the passion came from?  this book helps you identify thought patterns that are destructive and replace them with ETERNAL TRUTHS.  i LOVED it.  i am enjoying MANY moments of pondering and evaluating...

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