January 23, 2012

Corvallis, Oregon Beauty.

"The Wise Fisherman".
"The Man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea.  
He drew it up from the deep full of small fishes.  
Among them he found a big, marvelous fish.  
That wise fisherman, he threw all the smaller fishes back into the sea.  
He chose the big fish without hesitation.  
Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear."
from Buddha Standard Time by lama surya das

as found in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas

Big Fish-- There is BEAUTY all around.

Note to SELF--


  1. I want to come live on your street! It's gorgeous in Oregon. And our family would love to walk with yours.

  2. Yes, we need to take more walks, Schatz!

  3. I can just smell all the wet, beautiful earth . . .

    That might sound strange, but it's one of my favorite smells.

    Oregon has to be a most ideal place for deep, cleansing breaths:). Enjoy it, Sista.

  4. I can't imagine how much you must appreciate living there after having been in Lubbock! Don't get me wrong, Lubbock had its own beauties but that wet green earth is gorgeous!

  5. it is SO beautiful here. so green and gray and lovely.
    BUT, i wish i had taken more pictures of Texas.
    the wind, the dirt, the stunning sky.
    i wish i had documented more of the Texas beauty... because this Earth is SO DIFFERENT and so AMAZINGLY beautiful.


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