January 25, 2012

life, politics, and homemade dog treats.

 1.VERY, VERY, VERY BAD-- i saw this unfinished email on my computer when i sat down this morning...

Dear Bandera,

This is very, very, very, bad. My sister(Leah) ate a penny!!!!!! She is in the emergency room. she was going to bed, and then she came up and my mom told her to go back down then in like 20 sec. she came back up crying, then said” mom, I swalloed a coin.”

it is true.
leah swallowed a dime last night.
we were going to the ER but ended up at the fire station... she had fallen asleep in the car.
the chief told me she was just fine if she could scream and talk.
she was up a lot last night but is sleeping now.  
we'll see what this day brings.  
she won't willingly take a bite of pasta with spaghetti sauce on it, but i guess coins are different?

2.THE BACHELOR PRIMARIES--  i have the same feeling when i watch the republican debates that i do when i watch the Bachelor.  Sick to my stomach.  Politics remind me of Soap Operas or reality TV shows.  Is this really what our country has come to?

3. I'M MITT-- as i go throughout my day, i ask myself who i am more like?  am i more newt/obama-- very good at convincing people with my words?  not afraid to be blunt?  bold even if i'm wrong?  people like someone who has guts.  sometimes i'm like that.  sometimes i'm not afraid to voice radically different ideas (like Ron Paul) or radically conservative ideas (like Santorum).  But, most of the time i feel like Mitt-- trying to be political and more moderate.  Trying to keep the democrats happy and the republicans happy and really not doing a great job with either side.  hmm.

4.  HEALTHY SNACK--  Try these Roasted Garbonzo Beans.

Spicy Crunchy Chickpeas
2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon allspice (I didn't have so left out)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
I added 1/2-3/4 t chili powder 
2 15 1/2-oz. cans chickpeas, rinsed, drained, thoroughly patted dry

Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a large rimmed baking sheet with foil. In a large bowl, combine olive oil, cinnamon, cumin, allspice, salt and pepper. Add chickpeas and toss to coat thoroughly. Turn chickpeas out onto baking sheet and roast, stirring or shaking baking sheet often, until chickpeas are browned and crunchy, 45 to 50 minutes (start checking them around 35 minutes...that's all mine took). Transfer to a bowl and let cool before serving, stirring occasionally.

i got the recipe off a blog on my sidebar... and i'm going fast today so i'm not going to find that link.  
(i will tomorrow.)   
i like the concept of this snack.
i'm excited to try it with other things...  like CORN for homemade CORN NUTS.
i also think it would be good with some sugar on it-- my kids would like it better that way.
leah said, "mom, i DO like these.  I think Jesus helped me like them.  They are my very own doggie treats."

5.  LOOSING BUDDHA-- Buddha didn't have seven kids.  i'm going crazy trying to be slower.  (if truth be told.)  i miss my lists.  i miss my fast mornings where i get lots done.  i set a goal to be in bed by 10 and up by 6.  and, last night i rebelled.  i watched a movie till 1:30am.  then leah woke up, then eve woke up- four times.  i took three cleansing breaths and was still tired...  today i have a houseful of friends coming over to make quilts for humanitarian aids.  i'm excited... but have to go straighten up REAL fast.

have a great day.  
eat more Garbonzo Beans.
watch less politics.
take three cleansing breaths.
just say what you think even if you end up offending half the world.

i really LOVED this article on Callista Gingrich.  It's from the New Yorker.  (read to the end- it actually helped me to understand Newt better)
this part made me laugh--
Though Callista is central to Gingrich’s life, her public role in his campaign has been largely ornamental. She accompanies him on the trail, smiling behind him at events; in December, she appeared with him in a Christmas video to ask, “Is there anything more inspiring than American towns and neighborhoods brightly lit for the holidays?” But she does not have a stump speech, and though she’s happy to exchange pleasantries with reporters, she has not been granting interviews, with the exception of a brief on-camera conversation with the Christian Broadcasting Network. The resulting story, which also included interviews with Rick Perry’s wife, Anita, and Jon Huntsman’s wife, Mary Kaye, was called “A Tale of Three Wives.” Until recently, the title appeared on the home page of Gingrich’s campaign Web site, leading many visitors to wonder if they could click through to an explanation of the candidate’s complicated marital history. (hah!)

life is good.  

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