February 12, 2012


Sweet eve broke both bones in her left arm.
She was sitting on anna's lap on the couch and just reached over the side.
Anna said, " she was like a waterfall. Here one second and over the next."
I knew it was broken... But she was so happy if she wasn't trying to crawl that we waited till the next day to take her to the ER.
Because she fell from the top, her fracture is a "buckle"... In the x-ray it looks more like bumps on the bone than cracks.
Keeping her from trying to crawl or pull up is going to be tuff.
She is happy and busy.
We go in tomorrow for her real cast.
Oh, sweet baby.


  1. Jenifer, what happened to her arm? Very cute pictures!

  2. poor cute girl!

    All of my kids so far have broken bones before they were 5. I'm crossing my fingers that Lily can beat that record.

  3. oh, baby! prayers for a speedy recovery.

  4. Oh, Jen! Not a fun way to spend a little vacation... Poor baby! (And poor Mom!) Thinking about you girls...

  5. R you kidding me????? Can't wait till you get home!

  6. Poor girl! I'm so sorry! Glad she is feeling well, though. Hope she has a speedy recovery.


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