April 02, 2012

Christian Passover.

we are home as of late last night.
i am 35.
i loved being home with my family- listening to inspiring talks on tv.
i can't wait to re-listen to them so i can soak them in.
eve is walking from place to place- not just a few wobbly steps.
i have decided the only way to loose these last 15 or so pound of baby weight is to stop carbs and meat for awhile.
i'm starting tomorrow.
(maybe this will help me be more consistent...)
todd told the kids that i was pregnant (as an april fools joke.)
they are so excited and hoping for twins or triplets.
i'm not sure that he told them it was a JOKE before we sent them off to school.
yup. the whole town will know about it before the end of the day.
see resolution above.
i better loose this belly or soon all my new friends will be lovingly carressing it and congratulating me on my new pregnancy.
as i was following my kids to the car after a lunch at costco this weekend a man in a construction truck rolled down his window and asked, "Are these all your kids?"
i smiled and said, "YUP!  Crazy, I know."
he smiled back and said, "You aren't crazy at all.  Your family is beautiful.  Congratulations.  Congratulations!! That's just great."
cute man.
honestly, people always talk about the rude comments they get with a large family.
i can't even remember a rude comment.
MOST people are super kind and smiling when they see us in all of our glory.
we were in our big-family glory this past week (especially at the art museum).
pictures to come.


Here is the link to Passover we did in 2010 (in Idaho with our family as we celebrated the life of my little nephew who only lived a few hours.)

And here is a link to the Passover the year before (this is the Jesus Meal not Passover).

My favorite family tradition we do is Easter PASSOVER Dinner- On Good Friday.
The Last Supper was actually a Passover feast (Jesus was Jewish).
As you do the Passover you will be eating and reading things similar to what Christ would have eaten with his disciples.
It is basically a read along play followed by a chicken dinner.
It is fun and beautiful and not too hard.
On Easter DAY we do a "Jesus Meal" where i try to feed my kids what Jesus would have eaten... olives, figs, grapes, fish, pita, etc...  It's usually like a cheese and crackers type meal- easy and fun.

If you want to do PASSOVER dinner this Friday, this is what we do.
Basically it is just a chicken dinner with a few extra things.
I usually just buy the stuff that is on the end cap at the grocery store.
This is what i bought this year...
Look for Matzoh Ball soup-- it's so yummy!
Matzoh crackers (they're like big saltines- but my kids don't eat tons so a small box is usually fine.)
Grape Juice (I like the kind specifically for the Passover.)
I bought a fun Mexican/Cross/Glass candle a few years back and we use this on our table every year.
And, i always buy some gross gelled fish- just so the kids will squeal and the fathers will take turns being man enough to try it.
This year i got some beets- because they looked fun.

I print out a script for each person attending.
I set the table really nice (with stemmed glasses that i bought for 25 cents each) and cloth napkins.

Here are the special food things you will need...

Lamb (i use chicken), pita bread or matzah crackers, parsley or watercress, horse radish, Haroset (applesauce mixed with walnuts), eggs, wine or grape juice.
On the table have flowers and several unlit candles. You will need a special platter with the following foods in specified order. Also a pitcher of wine or grape juice. A cup of salt water. A Bible. Each person should have a glass and a plate with parsley, haroset, and some horse radish. An empty wine cup should be set in the center of the table.
On the platter:
  • 1. Three matzah (can use pita bread).
  • 2. Bitter herbs (or horse radish).
  • 3. The shank of a lamb.
  • 4. A roasted egg (hard boiled is OK).
  • 5. Haroset (applesauce with nuts, cinnamon, honey and wine).
  • 6. Parsley or watercress. 
Here is a copy of the script that i print out-- it's jpg, but email me and i'll email you a version you can edit if you want it.  My email is toddnjenifer@peak.org.

Happy Easter Week!
I'm off to be consistent!!
and, i still need to buy some horseradish and parsley.
good thing i checked before Friday!
did you have a good weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Here's my 3 things {it's a tradition now ;)}

    1. we LOVE doing passover. ours is way too long, I've been thinking I need to cut it down some this year. my kids are always STARVING before we get to dinner! We sorta fell off the bandwagon of preparing for Easter this year (lent, etc) so I'm excited to prepare for Passover. We do beef instead of lamb. One year I thought, hmm, maybe we'll have pork roast. Hahaha - ummm, big NoNo!! I'm a work in progress. :)

    2. the thought of gelled fish grosses me out. :)

    3. we had a BUSY weekend! Sleepover for J, first school dance for K, rodeo on Saturday, and all-day family fun day at church on Sunday. Whew! I need to go back to work so I can rest!

    have a great week!


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