May 30, 2012

a start.

we had friends come for memorial day weekend-- i tricked them into helping us plant our garden.
i love my garden.
it's nothing fancy-- but i am SO excited!
i will admit to you that i HATE getting my hands dirty...
and i HATE dirt in my fingernails.
oh, and i hate bugs.
does that make me a bad farmer's wife?

this is our beginning.
figuring out the sprinkler line is still the hardest part.  ha!
and slugs... i'm scared of slugs...
we are still planting a BIG garden at our friend's house...
this is our home "salsa" garden.
(i couldn't forget to show you my cantaloupe and baby watermelon pots... i hope they grow!!)
i'm really nervous.
and really excited.


  1. It's a beautiful start, really. I hope you guys have abundant success. I wondered if I should've started more of my veggies with starts instead of seeds, especially with our unpredictable growing season? Only time will tell.

    Looks great! Good luck keeping the weeds at bay...on both gardens:). Good thing you guys have all those helping hands!!

  2. Wonderful! You will love having the fresh veggies right there at home. We finally got our garden put in today and I am just hoping that it survives the super hot west Texas wind and heat. We have planted a garden every year since we lived in Boise (except for last year since we had a brand new baby and I am the one who does most of the work in the "family" garden. I can't wait for us to start seeing the fruits of our labors.


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