June 13, 2012

back to chores...

i have this idea that someday i won't need chores-- that my kids will just happily pitch in to keep things clean.
and, they are really good at pitching in when i ask them to.
but, i think chores are a good thing.  
they provide a system and order to our home.
so, i'm returning to chores.  
Simple, basic, quick things to be done at the beginning of the day.  before we do our real day stuff.
we'll rotate rooms every week.
[Work Chart[5].jpg]
I'm copying My Mix of Six for my newest chore charts.
You can read her plan here.  
(i hope she doesn't hate me for posting her picture... mine are still at Rite Aid!)
I just made some pictures in Picmonkey and i'm having them printed.  

 Hope you're enjoying your summer!
(i laugh at my brain sometimes... from homosexuality to chore charts... yes, this is how i think. ha!)

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