June 11, 2012

homemade graduation gifts.

we had A LOT of friends we love who are graduating.
someday we will have more money to donate to the plight of these transitioning kids.
today, we have big hearts and smaller wallets..

i wrote each kid (is it old of me to call them kids?) a note and had all my family sign it.
i also printed out some of my favorite quotes and gave them in bright colored frames (some i spray painted, some i bought from ikea.)
i also printed out the inspirational talk that each quote came from and tied the package together with a ribbon.
i have a picture, but it's on my iphone and i can't figure out how to download it right now.
if you want to make your own quotes-- i just used PICMONKEY.
i downloaded any picture and covered it with a big RECTANGLE.  you can make the rectangle any color you want.
Then just add letters, save it to your computer, and send it to your nearest 1 hour photo.
i KNOW that i'm not great at this.  i don't have TIME or training in design.
and, i'm sure there are some other life changing quotes out there.
but, maybe my quotes will inspire you.
here are the quotes (sorry, i don't have the link to the talks right now.)

happy graduation!

1 comment:

  1. Love that idea. I always download the quotes heather posts on her blog (jimmy and heather.com) and have tons of quotes that I plan to print out some day to have a quote a day book.


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