June 06, 2012

so big.

one of my favorite people in the world (Ines Erickson) said on Sunday--
"Children really are a blessing in your home.  
Even if they don't always feel like blessings."
it's true.
they are such GIFTS.
i have a sign in my kitchen that says,
"Grant me the patience to deal with my blessings."
want to see 19 pictures of my cute baby?
ok.  sure.
eve was ready for a nap the other day and i sat her on the bench to distract her while i made her a bottle.
i just had to grab my camera because she just looked so big!!
(she's 14 months old!)
she's pretty great, she does tricks and stuff.
like, show me your teeth...
want to see some more tricks?
ok.  how big is sweet eve?
(well, one handed so big, it was nap time.)

she can blow kisses...
 and show me her fingers...

 her nose...
 her tongue...
and her... 'please can i have my bottle now' face.
children are blessings.
i am so grateful.


  1. they really are a blessing! Eve is such a little cutie.

  2. Thanks Jenifer! This is a fun, cute post. I like the quote in your kitchen...I must add that to my house somewhere :)


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