July 21, 2012

oregon with Puzeys- part two. Digging for Clams.

Wow!! it was fun to look back over our pictures and remember all the fun we squeezed into their trip.
Todd's cousin Diana and her family came to stay with us the week after our kids got out of school.
They have four, darling, dang perfect, kids.
Tanner is their oldest and leah climbed on him from the moment he entered our home  (sorry tanner).
one thing i will say about leah, she does pick GREAT boys to, um, hang on.

diana and casey are really fun to talk to.
it's a shame we're getting so old and need to go to bed-- we could have stayed up all night talking!

i think my favorite part about our trip was the pace.
we did a lot, but it was slow and savoring.
this land that we live in is SO beautiful.
it was fun to enjoy it with people who SEE what we see!!

This is another picture-filled post!
Hope you enjoy scrolling through and seeing life through my lens.

Casey's one request of Oregon-- he wanted to go clamming!!
one thing i will say about clamming-- i like the experience better than the end result!
(store bought clam chowder is fine with me!)
but OH MY GOSH!!  look how lovely this was!!

we LOVE living in Oregon!
and, there is still more to come about our visit with the puzey's.
can you believe it?


  1. What a fun time! We were in Oregon for a day as part of our vacation- we were up in Washington visiting my parents and stopped in Portland for a day and I completely agree that Oregon is such a beautiful place. I am glad that you're loving it there so much. Have a great weekend!

  2. I love seeing these pics Jen! It's fun to look back on this day and remember the fun time we had. I love you!

    the Professor

  3. I absolutely loved Anna's face holding that crab!!! it was awesome.


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