July 19, 2012

the experience.

i love this quote shared by my friend heather...
and from one of my favorite women ever, Julie Beck.
hope you're enjoying your experience today!!


  1. Can I tell you? I feel like I am reading about me as I read your posts. Do you hear this all the time?
    Really. I've only read a few posts. Discernment. Homemaking. Housekeeping. everything. I too see my self as a religious person. I think and feel a lot. I have six kids. I have a good life.
    You really just strike a chord with me and every post I read, I think, wow this is me!!!
    Thanks for sharing. I enjoy relating to you.

    1. Thanks Tawnie! Good to know I'm not the only super analytical, striving, large family lady out there! Thanks for reading! And, thanks for commenting!!

  2. Jen! Mom says that you have a copy of hypno birthing for me! Amazing! I'd love that! Thank you so much! She said you needed my address:
    240 N 500 E apt 14
    Provo, UT 84606

    I'm SO excited! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  3. that really is one of the best quotes ever for women. If we expect life to be easy, and it's hard, then we are disappointed. If we expect it to be hard, maybe we'll do better at surviving and enduring well. Glad you liked it too! yes... sick kids is hard. But this too shall pass. :)

  4. You're back! (in the blogosphere:))
    Dang, I missed your frequent posts... a lot!

    Fabulous quote, by the way--I love it!


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