March 11, 2013

books i'm reading...

i thought it would be fun to keep track of the books i've read during this period of resting...

but honestly, i'm lazy and a bit, well, embarrassed.
i've been reading a lot.  I'm just giving you a taste of all the beauties I've read...

Yes, I have recently finished The Lumberjack's Lady, by Susan Page Davis ** (two out of five stars)
A very poorly written, christian fiction about a dashing lumberjack who rescues the bosses daughter from a freezing lake, is hired to work in the office with her, falls in love (well, the actual falling in love occurs as he is pulling her up out of the icy water and their eyes lock- he is saying "come to me, reach for me" and she is mouthing "please save me"), her father dies and they inherit all her wealth and live happily ever after.  It was perfect on an afternoon where my brain was spinning and I needed to slow down.  Books like this make me grateful to cuddle up at night next to my own little lumberjack man.  

Here are a few of my favorite reads of late...
(I'm going to rate them-- but I just want you to know that I am a tough critic.  And, I do think there are times in our lives that we just need to read a two star book.  I am trying to read my way through the Harvard Classics-- it is just about impossible for me to always read intelligent books.  Sometimes I just need The Lumberjack's Lady...  to be honest.)

No Doubt About It- by Sheri Dew. ***** (five out of five stars)
This was SO good.  I've read it before, but this time I ate it.  It was inspiring and renewed my eternal vision just at a time when I was floundering.  I  love this book.

The Princess Academy and A Palace of Stone- by Shannon Hale. ***** (five out of five stars)
I had to reread the Princess Academy before I read the newest volume, A Palace of Stone.  I love both of them.  I love how I could get lost in this well-written fiction story and leave my own little bed for awhile.  Great books!

Drops of Gold, by Sarah Eden. ***** (five out of five stars)
This is a new book from Deseret Book, it is a regency romance and a quick read.  I loved it.  I thought it was very well written and it had me sobbing (not too hard with pregnancy hormones) and laughing.  This was honestly one of my favorite reads lately.  I do love a good romance.

The Rent Collector, by Cameron Wright ***** (five or four and a half out of five stars)
I did like this book a lot.  So many people recommended it to me that I guess I expected it to be amazing and was a tad bit disappointed   Great book, not life changing for me though.  

The Shell Seekers, by Rosamunde Pilcher **** (four out of five stars)
I like to read Pilcher.  She is slow and does mundane well.  I don't love the stories she chooses to tell.  They are very real-- with ups and downs and real people with character flaws and a mixture of good and bad choices.  I tend to like a bit more of a happily ever after-- but she is an interesting, well-written, LONG read.

The Lessons of St. Francis, by John Michael Talbot **** (four out of five stars)
I love St. Francis.  He causes me to think and want to be better.  I can not, however, stay awake and finish the book.  So, four stars.

Keepers of the Flame, by Peterson/Gaunt  ***** (five out of five stars)
This is an old book where each chapter is about a different general young woman president.  I LOVE IT.  These women are all so different and so inspiring.  I love reading about the lives of good women.  

Secret Daughter, by Shilipi Gowda **** (four out of five stars)
Ugh.  This was a book that pulled me through, but not a happy story.  A true coming of age story for a mother and her adopted daugher.  It was good, it was real, it taught me...  I'm glad I read it.

Blackberry Crumble, by Josi Kilpak **** (four out of five stars)
I don't think Josie is a particularly amazing writer, but her books are great for the days I need a distraction and don't have enough blood to really concentrate.  She makes me hungry with her distractions and her books pull me through.  I always want to eat all the food she describes...  fun books. 

Before My Heart Stops, by Paul Cardall **** (four out of five stars)
This book was heart-wrenching for me- pun intended.  It reads like a blog and yet I know it is a true story.  I'm amazed at the depth of trials some must pass through and I love this sweet family.  I loved all the pictures and the perspective.  I'm grateful that my heart is, and has always been, healthy.  

{I've actually been reading a lot of family history books and church manuals.  I love them.  I am so inspired as I read about the journeys of those who came before me.}

Today I'm reading--
The Autobiography of Ben Franklin, by Ben Franklin.  (I am also loving it.)

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with about the Rent Collector. I wasn't expecting it to be so much about literature. I was thinking it would be more about life in Cambodia. ALSO I kept wondering for most of the book, why a teacher from an American University would be living in a dump in Cambodia.

    ANYWAY, I love a good book and what I can glean from it! Thanks for the book reccommendaions!


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