March 21, 2013

happy birthday grandpa bart!

 What could be more fun than celebrating Grandpa's birthday?!!

Todd loves my great ideas...  we decided to buy a birthday package at a local bowling alley.
For our family it was CHEAPER to do a birthday party than it would have been to just take the kids bowling.
Plus we got mini-golf, pizza, a cake and a fun bowling pin memento.
(Sitting at a bowling alley is SIMILAR to bed rest, isn't it?!!)

we quickly realized we had two teams... the serious golfers and the little girls.
once we split up, the serious golfers were happy.  :)

some of us were not happy about our current skill level.
it is sure hard to be number six.
 after the meltdown, mom hands over the camera and helps with the JOY factor of mini-golf...

it was sad when a little sister put anna's ball down the last "hole in one" non-returnable hole.
sweet girl has learned lots of patience dealing with so many little sisters.
 glow in the dark bowling...

 cake and games...  what a fun afternoon!

Sure love my cute husband and father.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!  Glad we could celebrate with you...

ps-- you may notice that my dad cut his hair since he was here last time (here).  After picking him up from the airport, Leah ran into the house exclaiming "Mom!  Wait till you see Grandpa!  He's back to his old self again." Cute kid.  So grateful Grandpa could visit... and that he has come back to himself.


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  3. U r soooo sweet and loving
    : )


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