April 23, 2013

a project for the hospital...

do you love this?
i do.
think i can make one?
i hope.
I am picky...  I've spent the past few months scouring websites to find a good bed rest project.
When I get close to picking one, I start to feel guilty about the unfinished projects I already have waiting for me.
And, truth be told, I haven't had much "project" time as I've bed rested at home.

This morning I ordered a kit and I hope to at least put a good dent in it while I am waiting to meet this baby, and recovering from my surgery.

Here are the samplers that I almost chose...

The Virture Sampler by Little House- I love this one!
Virtue Sampler - Cross Stitch Pattern

Be Kind and Be True from etsy
Primitive Folk Art Cross Stitch Pattern:  Be KIND & Be TRUE

Vintage Janlyn, The Lord's Prayer

Some I liked, but seemed a bit morbid under the circumstances...
The Victoria Sampler

a small project that I love and that I'm sure I could finish...
(maybe I should have picked this one!)
Let us Be Truly Thankful
Let Us Be Truly Thankful (1827) - Cross Stitch Pattern

Eliza Scattergood, 1839

After much deliberation I decided to order "The Family Sampler" by Little House Needleworks
I love it, although I am a bit intimidated by how much work it will take to finish.
I am determined to fit all eight of my children on-- and I'm excited that I can FINALLY start projects that will represent my full family.  (For the first time, I know exactly how many children I'm going to have!!)
Don't you think it will be good for me to stitch this little boy in right next to his brothers and sisters?  I do.
Family Sampler, The - Cross Stitch Pattern
Isn't this a beautiful project?!  I love it and HOPE I will sew my little tush off while I'm in the hospital.
Got to run-- I promised myself I would not start this project until I finish a cross stitch I was working on when Todd and I got engaged (15 years ago).  Today-- I am going to finish it!
Have a good day!!

1 comment:

  1. So you totally inspired me Jenifer!
    I haven't cross stitched since I was a young girl.
    However, looking at your post and since my blog name is "the bryan family sampler" I thought it might be fun to try my hand at it again :)
    I just got on 123 stitch and ordered a few things.
    Now maybe I need to be put on bed rest to get them done :)
    Wishing you the best!


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