April 30, 2013

My Lucky Day

I thought I'd feel sad when I woke up this morning, but I didn't. I felt lucky!
Lucky to be going to one of the best hospitals in the world.
Lucky to be in labor and delivery without being in preterm labor.
Lucky to be married to someone I still like after 15 years.
Lucky to have the most thoughtful friends and family!
Lucky to have sweet in-laws caring for my children while I'm away!
Lucky to have 8 beautiful children!
Lucky to have a home and family that I can't wait to come home to!

Perhaps as the weeks progress I won't feel so lucky, but today I feel like one lucky girl...


  1. And I'm pretty sure they all feel lucky to have wonderful YOU in their life!

    Good luck with the hospital stay. I pray the days will go by quickly for you.

  2. You don't know me but I saw your bog on LDS Large family group on Facebook, anyhow long story short, I lost my little boy to CDH last August and I would love to send you a little blanket for your little man while he is in the ICU. Since I lost my little guy I make these small blankets for others who might need to know someone else is thinking oh them. Prayers for you and your beautiful family.

    Paula Jensen
    Oh, I guess I was telling you this to ask you for your address...

  3. You could just email it to me at pjwog@hotmail.com if that isn't too random for you.


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