May 23, 2013

Day 21- Hello Baby!

I had another ultrasound today.
My little guy is 4lbs 7ozs!!
Doesn't that sound biggish?
They think he'll be about 5lbs 4ozs or 2400g at the time of delivery!
Not too small... I hope.

He really is the cutest little thing.

They had me empty my bladder in the bathroom, then asked me to un-dress for an internal ultrasound.

When I got back from the bathroom, I noticed the sonographer forgot to leave me a sheet-- so I found one in the cabinet, undressed, and laid in the bed to wait. I laid for awhile then noticed my phone wasn't on the chair where I thought I'd left it. I thought maybe I had forgotten it in the bathroom. I kept waiting...

Finally, I looked at the ultrasound monitor and noticed it said another lady's name! I had been waiting in the wrong room!! Ha!

I wasn't about to get dressed and undress again, so I wrapped myself in a sheet toga, grabbed my clothes, and ran down the hall looking for my right room. I was laughing when the Sonographer and Doctor showed up moments later and saw me all wrapped in my sheet. Can you imagine this crazy, naked, pregnant lady running down the hallway? Oh my.

That's all friends!

I'm doing well...

It looks like my placenta is all connected with my cervix. So, when they remove my uterus, they will remove my cervix also. I spent some time talking about how this will affect my intimate life. Cervix removal can influence vaginal wetness and can contribute to vaginal prolapse as you get older. Blah.

I told my doctor that they can have my uterus- I am done having children. But, they needed to leave me with my ability to enjoy intimacy. I have worked pretty hard to figure everything out and I plan on enjoying a physical relationship with my husband for many more years! (Sorry if this is TMI.)

She said this surgery will change things, but that it may even make things better.
We'll see... My surgeon is supposed to be the best! I'm going to resume this conversation with her next time I see her.

I like my cervix. I understand that it is pretty risky leaving in a cervix that has placental tissue inside it... This can lead to cervical cancer later on. My doctors laugh at me being so concerned-- I would think anyone would ask these questions when facing a pretty invasive gutting. Wouldn't they? :)

15 days!! Can you believe it?!


  1. I totally asked the same question! They told me is shouldn't effect intimacy at alll. I haven't noticed a difference. Except for being so much less stressed about possibly getting pregnant too early. Not having a uterus has some serious advantages :)

  2. I totally asked the same question! They told me is shouldn't effect intimacy at alll. I haven't noticed a difference. Except for being so much less stressed about possibly getting pregnant too early. Not having a uterus has some serious advantages :)

  3. Beautiful big baby boy-- That is pretty good sized!!
    Loved the story of the wrong room--hee, hee


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