May 28, 2013

Day 28- same old same old.

I love the cute texts, emails and facebook messages I get when I miss a day posting on my blog.
I'm still here.  I actually wrote a blog yesterday, but it is stuck on my iphone app blogger... it still says, that it's "publishing".

Holidays and Saturdays are hard.  Everybody is busy with their families, so I am pretty alone.  Phone calls are full of fun background noise and in comparison, my life seems rather dull.

I did read a good book and just relaxed.
I was having some contractions last night, so they kept an eye on me.  But, overall things are good here.
I'm just resting and waiting and counting down the days.

My hospital friend has gestational diabetes.  Food services has to monitor her carbs and they are pretty strict about what she can order.  She tried some fish last night but it was so nasty that she couldn't eat it.  When she tried to reorder they treated her like a criminal sneaking food.  She was in tears and ended up having her nurse take her down to the cafeteria to get some dinner.  It is hard being in the hospital for weeks at a time.

There is such a fine balance between caring for a patient and being demeaning to a patient.  I think nurses have to balance the same line that parents of teenagers have to balance.  Doing what is best vs. respecting the agency of others.  It is an interesting dynamic.  For every one cranky person, I have found 40 amazingly kind, serving people.  The hospital is a really great place to be.  Good people are here.  I hope one of my children chooses the medical profession.

Today, I have a big day.
I, um, am planning on taking a shower.
I will order me some breakfast.
Todd and Leah are coming up to eat lunch with me.
(My guinea pig lady called back and she IS taking the babies and two boar pigs.  Todd's meeting her today to hand them off.  We are going to keep our two moms.  Everything DID work out- it ALWAYS does.)
I will stitch some, watch Doc Martin some, and... rest.

My doctor this morning was great.   He acted like my surgery was not that big of a deal because it is so well planned ahead of time.  The REAL risk of Accreta is when they don't know about it and don't have enough blood waiting.  When they aren't planning on a hysterectomy and have to change plans at the last minute, things get scary.  The worst Percretta case they have had here was a Jehovah's witness mom who started out anemic and refused blood transfusions.  Her surgery was scary because it is very difficult to perform without blood loss.  He really thinks my surgery will go well and that my recovery should be quick.

I have an MRI scheduled for Thursday.  Their main question is whether or not my bowels are involved.  My placenta is definitely Percretta-- floating around a lot outside of my uterus.  What they cannot determine before surgery is how attached it is to my other organs.  He said it is really hard to tell if the bladder/placenta are just like two fingers next to each other, or two fingers super-glued together.  We'll see what they find when they get in there.  I keep joking that my placenta is going to peel off my other organs just like chicken skin off a thigh.  :)

Another mom on bed rest went into labor last night.  Everyone was on high alert for me because my main doctors were on vacation.  So, when the call came in my substitute doctors all freaked out a little bit.  Ha!  Glad it was a false alarm for both of our sakes.

I had a baby next store to me all last week who was so sad.  She cried night and day.  I worried about how the mother was coping.  I really, really think there was something wrong with that baby.  The nurses couldn't tell me for sure, but I'm pretty sure that it was a drug baby.  I've heard about drug babies before, but never heard one.  SOO sad.  I wish I could do more for those babies.  My mother heart just wanted to knock on the door, swaddle that baby up and rock with her.  My children are so lucky.  Your children are so lucky.  We all need to do more for those who are born into difficult situations.  We all can do something more, can't we?

That's all.
Have a great day.
My countdown is freaking me out a bit... only 10 days till my surgery.
I'm almost out of double-digits.
I'm so sick of writing about myself I'm sure you're sick of hearing about me...  :)
Still nothing exciting to report!!

Life is good.


  1. I am most definitely NOT sick of hearing about you!!! I love all these posts, though I don't love the situation:( Reading about the baby crying the whole time... Made me think of Spence when we were in the hosp. I'm sure everyone on that floor thought I was a first time mom, and a negligent one to boot, that just couldn't figure out what to do for her baby... or worse, didn't care that he was screaming so much. But that was just our sweet Spence! :-)

  2. So glad you're hanging in there! I check every day just to make sure :>) Love and prayers

  3. Amen. I love your blog. Keep 'em coming! You are an inspiration and voice of wisdom for me. And heaven knows I need it! Thanks for grounding a very silly wimpy woman. I think about you and your family all the time and can't wait to someday see you again and meet your new little miracle baby. Then maybe I'll tell you about how you've helped me make some big decisions and little changes in my life.

  4. Dear Jen,
    Love, hugs & prayers sent your way! We sent you a box of sunshine in the mail like 6-8 weeks ago & I got it back empty?! With a letter saying it had lost its contents somewhere along the line. How does that happen!? Perhaps others needed it more. So I'm back collecting for your new box, but just want you to know you & Todd are amazing & inspiring& in our thoughts & prayers... along with all those darling kiddos. Hugs!
    Ashley Nelson

  5. Dear Jen,
    Love, hugs & prayers sent your way! We sent you a box of sunshine in the mail like 6-8 weeks ago & I got it back empty?! With a letter saying it had lost its contents somewhere along the line. How does that happen!? Perhaps others needed it more. So I'm back collecting for your new box, but just want you to know you & Todd are amazing & inspiring& in our thoughts & prayers... along with all those darling kiddos. Hugs!
    Ashley Nelson

  6. Thanks guys. You always make me smile.

    Ashley-- that is horrible?! I told todd about your package and he asked if you were living in Mexico? I said, Utah. We both laughed. :) Thanks for the thought!!


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