June 15, 2013

Another Miracle

Someday Jen will write about all of the miracles we have experienced here at OHSU.  We learned of one more yesterday.  

In a leg ultrasound shortly after her second surgery, while in the trauma ICU, they discovered a few blood clots in her legs.  It would be fatal if a clot reached her lungs.  The doctors wanted to put a filter in the main vein leading to her heart to catch a clot if one left her leg.  They scheduled the procedure for the next morning.  

A few minutes later, the doctor who was to perform the procedure wanted to speak with me.  He said that he could perform the procedure now if it was ok with me, that he could not rest knowing that he could do it now, if anything happened during the night.  

See that picture below?  Yesterday that same doctor came to our room to show us the x-ray of her filter taken a few minutes after it was inserted, to make sure it was properly placed.  They inserted contrasting dye to improve visibility.  In the image you can see the three-pronged spidery metal filter opening down.  See the white shadow stuck in the filter?  That is a blood clot, caught on the filter.  The doctor wanted to show us that the filter was working and to stress how vital it was that it was inserted that night.  We are thankful that he listened to that smal impression telling him to put in the filter without delay.  We are truly blessed!

And here's a pic of little Ben this morning...So cute!


  1. Wow. Just...wow. Thank goodness for wonderful doctors and a loving Heavenly Father. And for prayers that are answered!

  2. A miracle indeed! What a blessing that that doctor listened to the impression he received! I am sure he will be forever touched by this experience!

    Ben is darling! He has grown so much already!

    Continued prayers for a full recovery are still headed your way!

  3. So grateful our God is a God of miracles!! Ben is darling! We are praying for you guys!

  4. What a blessing! Oh that Ben is darling.

  5. Wow! That miracle really is scary and amazing at the same time!

    I just love that blue hat on little Ben! It was cute when I saw it while you were pregnant, but it is beyond adorable on his sweet head.
    Love you all!

  6. Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles! Thank you for sharing! Our prayers have included the doctors. They listened! Yay. We are still praying. In fact, in his own prayer the other night, my 6yo son finished his prayer and then looked at me with a serious look and said "I forgot Jenifer moss!"

  7. Thank you for sharing. Grateful for doctors who listen to the right promptings. Continued prayers for your family and a speedy recovery. Beautiful little baby boy.


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