June 02, 2013

Day 33- JM + IJ = TRU LUV

Still here!
Sick of the food...
Ready to have this baby and start to heal.

Learned that there are IJ's (internal jugulars) and EJ's (external jugulars).  EJ's are just Iv's they put in your neck.  IJ's are central lines they put in your neck and thread to your heart.  Blah.
Of course, they need to take out my power picc central line (currently in my chest/arm pit) and insert an IJ-- big, huge central line from my neck to my heart that they can dump boat loads of blood into quickly.  They will do this while I'm awake!  I can't wait!

I love central lines.

Life is good... And I'm not hungry at all.


  1. That IJ thing sounds so scary!

  2. I don't know you personally, but I pray for you and when I start to whine about insignificant things I stop and think of you. That helps me see the "annoying" things as blessings. You are an amazing lady and I want to be more like you! You are positive, grateful, playful, PATIENT, kind, and Christ-like. Thank you for setting such an example for me. Your family is truly blessed to have you!!! Thank you for being so positive in the midst of something many other women wouldn't dare even attempt. As my amazing husband always says to our family... You can do hard things. Just know this southern girl who fell in love with the mountains of Utah (and her husband!!!!!) is praying for you!

  3. I don't know you personally, but I pray for you and when I start to whine about insignificant things I stop and think of you. That helps me see the "annoying" things as blessings. You are an amazing lady and I want to be more like you! You are positive, grateful, playful, PATIENT, kind, and Christ-like. Thank you for setting such an example for me. Your family is truly blessed to have you!!! Thank you for being so positive in the midst of something many other women wouldn't dare even attempt. As my amazing husband always says to our family... You can do hard things. Just know this southern girl who fell in love with the mountains of Utah (and her husband!!!!!) is praying for you!

    1. Thanks Amy. You are too kind. I can't tell you how much your comment and prayers mean to me. I'm certain I'm not as positive and grateful as I appear, but I'm glad you can feel what I wish I was. Those western boys are pretty easy to love-- aren't they?!!

  4. ...missing your kale smoothies? just be sure to get those vitamins into you any way they serve them up - and remember it's all fuel for the little guy...I would make you a big bowl of pasta if I could!! Only a few more days of this phase, and then it's onto healing and hugging...you can do it!! big hugs from England


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