June 23, 2013

I can see clearly now...June 22

I'm slowly waking from a haze.
I feel like the past week I've been tossed to and fro amidst the waves, never really certain when I'm awake or when I'm drowning.  I've lost track of people and have no idea what day of the week it is.  I keep feeling like yesterday was at least a week ago.

I feel like we're figuring out pain management.  I thought I was feeling drugged, but I think I was just utterly exhausted.  I was falling asleep at random times and never felt rid of my haze.  

Now, I can be the most drugged (painfree) and still feel clear headed.  

Honestly, I love, love, love my nurses.  They have cared for me more like a sister than a patient.  They have washed me, wiped me, fed me, tucked me in, hugged me and cried with me.  My nurses get me up when Im flat, and they really care.  They rub my legs and even pray for me.  I know they are just doing their job.  But I don't feel like their job.

I love you ladies!!!  Thank you for rescuing me this week-- the horizon looks brighter !!


  1. I agree, Jen... I think special nurses ARE angels... ❤
    I am so glad you have them surrounding you!
    Someday soon you will feel like yourself again and it will warm your heart to remember those that cared for you, not just because "it was their job"' but because they, like so many of us, are in such awe of you. You have gone through so much with such great faith and determination... You have taught us much, Jenifer Moss.
    Keep on keepin' on, sweet friend! ❤

  2. Jenifer,
    I remember spending so many boring hospital days not knowing that such an amazing funny woman only slept doors down from me. When one of my nurses came to me and told me that she knew of another Mom on our floor that would like to meet me...if I wanted to..I told her "sure"...honesty I was kinda nervous to met you. Which was a silly feeling to have because you turned out to be an extremely awesome women! After some days of hanging out laughing, talking & watching movies it hit me..it was no coincidence that we met each other when we did. God knew we needed each other to pass the time with and to pray for one another. You have been weighing heavy on our hearts and my family and I have never stopped praying for you and yours! God will never abandon his child..He is right there with you.. holding you.. He cries, yells and laughs when you do..He knows your heart and He knows that you know His love for you will never stop! Jenifer keep your eyes on God..He will always provided for the needs of His children...if you ever need proof of that just look at your very beautiful family!
    Love your friend from room #46

  3. Still cheering you on, Jen!! So, so glad you are figuring out the pain thing. We are still sending prayers!! You are AMAZING!

  4. So good to hear! You are still in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping for many more good days to come in this recovery process. Congratulations on your sweet little boy--my girls ask many times a day to see a picture of your baby--yes, they're baby hungry, but they also feel connected to you and your story.

  5. Good nurses are indeed angels! You have definitely been surrounded by angels on both sides of the veil.

  6. i am so grateful for the updates. you continue to be prayed for in our house. this talk came to mind after reading your hopeful posts tonight: http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2013/04/lord-i-believe?lang=eng

    ...and in elder holland's words "hope on. journey on". love to you!


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