June 27, 2013

It depends...

Oh, Todd and I did get a good laugh this afternoon.

I was at Rite Aid, with my walker (and my bag of urine attached to my leg), buying Depends.

Of course I didn't buy the kind I'm holding in the picture... I bought the kind that Cheryl from Dancing with the Stars wears.  Todd wants me to add, that after purchasing a discounted shower chair this morning and thanks to the Rite Aid Discount club, my lovely panties only cost $2.79 for 16.

I really need a cute basket for my walker...

Old age has nothing on me!
Life is good.


  1. You are amazing, there are no words.

  2. Oh, dear! You have a great attitude!

  3. Life is full of unexpected adventures...I love your style;)

  4. I saw this walker bag on Etsy:


    Maybe you could find or ask someone who can sew to make you something similar? I knit one for my grandmother and I found it a very satisfying labor of love.


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