June 07, 2013

June 7

9:55 pm

Jen is first on the surgery schedule tomorrow!  More internal cleaning up to do, but right now there is no more internal bleeding.  Will update again after surgery tomorrow.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!

11:20 am

Surgery delayed until tomorrow am.  Her body is healing and they don't want to invade until necessary.  A long process, tough to watch her go through it.  She is stable though so we have lots to be grateful for.


  1. Our prayers are with you! Congrats on baby Ben and what a miracle to behold. How grateful we can be to our Heavenly Father for wonderful, competent surgeons and knowledge of how our bodies work and heal. May you continue to be blessed and we will pray that surgery will go well tomorrow and Jen will be up and back to herself in no time!

  2. Thanks for all the updates! Jen and your family will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!!

  3. Continued love and light from South Carolina.

  4. Praying for your whole family. Congratulations on Benjamin!

  5. Congratulations on your beautiful baby. Good luck on the recovery. I am praying for you and your family. Thanks for all your optimism and inspiration.

  6. Prayers will continue this way, stay strong as hard as it may be and know that God will see you all through this :)

  7. Bedtime in England. Tomorrow with its wonders is around the corner. Let's hope tomorrow brings Jen closer to giving Ben a big cuddle - two strong spirits who so deserve that hug. With love to all, and special thought for Todd during these difficult days and many hugs across the miles to Ben's big brothers and sisters, who must be finding this all so challenging.

  8. Still thinking of you often with lots of prayers...

  9. I've been a long-time lurker, first time commenter--sending much love and light to your family. Hoping the next surgery is successful. Thanks for the updates!

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  11. I'm so glad to read the latest update. I will be praying for Jen tomorrow as she goes into surgery again!

  12. Continuing to pray too. Hope all has gone well. Take care, Serena


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