June 26, 2013

OHSU- bringing home Benjamin.

April 28, 2013
28 weeks pregnant
Admitted for hospital bed rest.
Our last family picture before I enter the hospital.

Family visits to the hospital.
May 24, 2013
We celebrate 16 years of marriage with Thai Basil takeout, a love song playlist, and a hospital sleepover.
I have never loved someone more.
June 5, 2013
The night before our scheduled c-section.
My last night ever being pregnant.

I left candy and a note for the hospital staff that I had grown to love.
And, a little note to my beloved surgeons.
After much persuasion they allowed Todd into the OR just for the delivery.  He was squeezing my hand as little Benjamin entered this world.  Our eighth perfect baby, born at 33 weeks 6 days gestation.  Todd kissed my head and was ushered out.  I closed my eyes and 
thanked God with my whole soul for His gift.  Then I fell asleep praying with my might for the surgeons who were operating on me.

June 7, 2013
After 180 bags of blood products and hours of surgery, my heart was strong but my body was so swollen with fluids they couldn't stitch me up.  My bladder was tissue paper and my insides were pretty bad.   After hours of surgery, they turned me over to the trauma unit unsure I'd make it through the night.  Trauma doctors wrapped me in saran wrap and secured my abdomen with an industrial sling used for patients with severe abdominal injuries.  Despite the dire outcome, Todd never doubted I would make it.  I felt his strength, his faith and his surety.  He saw me surviving and I saw myself through his eyes.
In reality this is what I looked like...
While I was fighting, Ben was being loved by grandpa, grandma, aunt mil, and sweet nurses.
June 10, 2013
I held Ben for the first time.  It was a difficult, beautiful moment.
Sweet nurses, CNA's, housekeeping, doctors, residents, friends, and family filled my life with love and prayers and great hope!  My soul was lifted!  
This cute fella made me want to get better!
June 16, Father's Day
After meeting with hospital children's therapists, we had the kids come see me for the first time and two at a time to meet their little brother.
There were setbacks, but we pulled through.  I started running laps...
And finally was strong enough to come home!!!
Today is one of the best days of my life!!
I am coming home!!!
Life--- life is sooo good!
Thank God!  
Thank wise doctors!  
Thank YOU!
And oh, please hug your loved ones tight. 
Today is a gift!!


  1. Miracles DO happen! SO glad you are home! Seriously!!

  2. It just sounds cliche to say that I am so happy for you. My heart has been full of prayers for you guys for months. I am grateful to a God who hears and answers prayers, and grateful that his will was for you to stay on earth right now with your beautiful family. Enjoy that little Ben and the rest of your kids. Keep getting better--I will keep praying.

  3. This is the best post, ever. EVER. Over the moon excited and happy for you and your whole family!

  4. My heart is full with gratitude as well! What an evening it will be in the Moss home!!! Take good care, Jen... Prayers will continue! ❤


    Indeed, today truly is a gift! You are looking amazing and you have come so far compared to where you were not too long ago! You and your family continue to be in our daily prayers! We are praying for a full and speedy recovery!

    Doing a big happy dance for you right now :) !!

  6. Yay!!! Sooo happy for you and your family!


    This is another big milestone in your journey. Thanks for sharing it with us. Continued prayers for your gradual healing and improved health!

  8. I am so happy for you and your family! I know your children will grow strong and wise as they help you grow strong. Best wishes for a continued speedy recovery!

  9. Wow. CONGRATULATIONS!! Hope you sleep beautifully tonight, finally next to Todd in your very own bed. What a heavenly miracle!!

  10. This is the most glorious news I've heard in a long time! Thank God you are home and healing! Thank God for a healthy, sweet baby boy! Our prayers will continue to be with you on your continuous journey of recovery. But my soul is so happy for you today! Love you, Jen!

  11. LOVE THIS! So excited and happy for you. What a amazing story. You have been in my thoughts and prayers continually. So thankful to be able to read your story and see the hand of God in your life.

  12. Cried through that. what a journey. My heart is full of joy. love and continued prayers. i used to think the phrase 'God is good' was strange and almost blasphemous. i dont feel that way anymore. i think its a glorious phrase...and highly appropriate sometimes. this is definitely one of those. God Is Good. So happy for you.

  13. This is such an amazing story. Thanks for inspiring me.

  14. Happy, happy tears. May you continue to heal and God Bless your family.

  15. So many miracles in one little post! So glad you are home. Hope your recovery continues to go well ♥

  16. I cried through this whole post. What a beautiful, heart-wrenching, sad, amazing, joyous, miraculous journey it has been!! I sure love you Jen!!!

  17. Wow, so happy for you and family. Greatful for answered prayers. Continued prayers for healing and adjustment back home. Thank you for your strength, testimony and example.

  18. Jen,
    My name is Sara, I'm a Labor and Delivery nurse at the hospital here in Corvallis (where you were supposed to deliver... no offense but we're glad you did all this at OHSU!). We heard about your story from the grapevine and have been reading your blog for about the last week. We spend hours at night reading and discussing you, your situation and your family. I even told my L&D friends in Arizona (where I'm from) to read your blog. You are such and inspiration. I can't really put it into words but you are an incredible woman, mom and wife. I can only aspire to be an amazing as you. Now that you are home we all would like to wish you the best of luck. You will be just fine. If ever there was a person to be "just fine" it's you. I hope you keep blogging, I feel like you're a close friend even though I've never met you. Best wishes to you and your family!

  19. Oh my goodness, Jen, that first picture of you made my eyes well up. I am so thankful for the many miracles you have been granted and am excited for you to be able to go home with your family.

  20. Sooooo excited for you!!!! This is a great day!!! Congratulations!

  21. Hooray! I'm so happy for you. I've been following your journey and this post brought tears to my eyes. Good luck!

  22. Happy tears fill my eyes! Congratulations! He IS beautiful! And you really do look great!

  23. I have never met you, but it is not hard to see what an amazing woman you are! I could not be happier for you and your family!! I have been following your blog since I found it when I was diagnosed with complete previa 11 weeks ago and I have been completely overcome by emotions seeing how well you and your baby have done! God bless you and your family.
    Kassidi from California

  24. What an amazing blessing to be going home! You are such a wonderful lady and example! You will continue to be in our prayers. I am so happy for you and your family!!


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