July 08, 2013


Yesterday we blessed baby Ben at church.
It was a beautiful, holy day.
Being back at church felt complete- like I had really survived.
I felt the miracle of our situation.

There may be debates about whether or not Mormons are Christians.  I will tell you that over the past seven months I have felt the touch of the Savior through the loving service of many Mormon hands. 

Even if you do not believe the doctrine, having a Church family is a beautiful way of life.  I don't know how people get through hard times without a community of support.  Being back at church felt like coming home.  How I love those people!  I am changed for good because of their gentle touch.  

My sister in law wrote Ben the most beautiful letter.  She put into words everything that I feel about his name and the miracle of his birth.  Maybe sometime I will share it with you.  I guess I'm just saying, naming Benjamin was a really special occasion that I can't really put into words.

I feel good.
--they started a new wrap on my tummy, it's algae.  I was amazed at the healing I could see after only one day with algae.

--my in laws went home this morning.  I can't even express to you how grateful I am for them... For all my extended family and how willing they have been to care for me and my family over the past few months.  I feel so lucky, so loved, and so grateful.  How I will miss them.

--I'm giving myself shots these days.  I feel so brave and they seem to hurt less when I do it myself.

--Ben slept from midnight to 6am last night.  Even though I have to get up every hour to potty, I still feel like I got a pretty good sleep.  

--last week was hard, recovery is hard.  I really think the ups and downs are a normal part of recovery.  I share with you my hard things because they are real.  But today I just feel grateful.
I am getting better.
I do have an adorable, healthy baby.
My kids are all happy and healthy.
I have great insurance, the best home health nurses, a kind mother and a supportive husband.  So many people caring for me.
I'm so grateful for all your supportive comments and prayers.
The day is sunny and my kids are bubbling with excitement because they start horseback riding camp this morning!  So fun.

Really, life is good.
I am happy.

And-- isn't this the best way to make corn butter?!  

My aunt showed us the butter in a bun method and we love it!

Ps-- have you seem my new house?
It's dreamy...
Have a great Monday!!


  1. I love your new house, your new baby, and your "real"ness -- hard and all. My prayers are still with you.

  2. Definitely a very blessed life! Sweet little Ben is getting bigger cheeks. I just want to kiss the screen. Enjoy mugging on his face for me!

  3. Am so very happy that you are doing better, Jen... hard days and all. Benjamin is SO adorable, and his brothers and sisters look thrilled to have their momma back home! Yes, life is good!
    Your new home looks like a little slice of heaven... I can already picture you enjoying one of your famous green smoothies on your deck! :)

  4. Your new house is absolutely dreamy! You totally deserve every bit of it. I can't wait to see pictures of your property in the fall and then in the winter, all covered with snow. What magical holidays you are going to have there all year round! What wonderful family memories!

    Your baby Ben is beyond adorable. And to look at him and know what his mother went through to bring him safely to earth just gives me chills.

    Prayers for your continued recovery, strength, and emotional well-being. And love from someone in Wyoming whom you've never met but who admires you very much.

  5. Sweet, sweet Ben--he has his own look, but is so very you and Todd!

    Can't wait to visit you in that new home!!

  6. Everytime I see a picture of your sweet Benjamin I can't help but think about the doctors that tried to tell you that it wasn't a smart choice to continue to carry him in your womb...he is perfect and I hope more and more people come across your story to learn of sacrifice and miracles. And your house rocks!


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