July 14, 2013


Blah.  I wrote a fun post and I can't get it to publish.
I just figured out that I can post words, but not pictures.  Blah.  This is trying to force me off my phone and back to my long lost computer...

I'll just say that my mom told me today she likes me better in skirts because when I wear capris my diaper bottom looks big and you can tell something is wrong.  In a skirt you can't tell.  
So, when I went to watch the kids at horse camp I had a walker and a diaper bum.  Ha!  
A friend asked me in church if they could give me a bladder transplant. My father in law wondered if they could give me a pig bladder.  Maybe someday I will be saved by swine.  Oink!
Oh heaven,  will I ever be normal again?

1 comment:

  1. Could you maybe gently tell your mom that she's not being the most helpful with her comments--like the one in the hospital about your bare bum. She might not even realize that those comments aren't helping you and might hurt your self-esteem. I hope you find a solution for the bladder issues that pleases YOU not just those around you.


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